中文摘要 |
本研究團隊利用多年在X光成像及顯微技術所累積的研究經驗以及理論基礎,配合精密之加工技術,自行設計並完成了一利用模組化單體、以堆疊方式組裝之X光穿透式顯微鏡(transmission X-ray microscope,TXM)。此一新型之TXM具有高穩定、高移動精準度、輕量、易拆裝以及便宜等優點,以作為未來自主技術技轉之原型機。為了確保結構在奈米解析度之取像要求時仍就有足夠之穩定性,我們採用了以X光光軸為對稱中心的圓柱形結構來做為設備主體,以降低因為取像過程中元件產生熱量所造成之熱飄移。而在移動精準度上,本研究團隊則利用所設計研發之線性壓電材料移動平台(piezo stage),此一壓電材料移動平台之移動解析度經測試最高可達1.2 nm,足可勝任本顯微鏡之嚴苛要求。此外,由於各個驅動元件已完全模組化,因此我們可以將此一設備拆裝後,運送到不同之同步輻射研究設施或不同之光束線後進行快速組裝及測試。
Combining the long research results and nanofabrication technology supported by National Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program, we successfully developed and implemented a compact transmission X-ray microscope(TXM) based on a cylindrical symmetry around the optical axis sharply limits the instabilities due to thermal mechanical drift. Identical, compact multi-axis closed-loop actuation modules drive different optical components. The design is modular and simplifies the change of individual parts, e.g., the use of different magnification and focusing devices. This compact instrument can be easily transported between laboratory and synchrotron facilities and quickly put in operation. An automated alignment mechanism simplifi es the assembling of different modules after transportation. This prototype is tested with synchrotron X-rays demonstrated effective elimination of the thermo-drift problem and achieved ~30 nm lateral resolution. The whole system can be packed into standard shipping case and reassembled within 1 hour for full operation. |