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Practice and Challenge on National Governance of Singapore: the Perspective of Resilience
作者 林英杰
新加坡自1965年獨立後,無論外交、軍事、財政、經濟或社會文化,均能善用自身資源以謀取國家最大利益。立國僅逾半世紀,即以亞洲四小龍之姿躋身已發展國家之林,且持續在全球與區域經濟上表現出亮眼成績。對新加坡政府而言,維持經濟發展動能必須同時解決勞動人力缺口、水資源供給疑慮以及國土面積不足等三大困境,而從近幾年整體經濟表現來看,國家治理策略顯然相當成功。雖然新加坡國家發展問題有其特殊的時空背景,成功要件可能也無法完全複製,但透過對新加坡個案的分析,或可從中得出一般性規律,進而提供我們思考國家治理現代化的重要線索。基於此,本文運用「韌性」重新詮釋新加坡國家治理經驗,嘗試從開放移民、多元供水、填海造陸等國家發展危機的脈絡中,探討「韌性」如何在完善國家治理體系與提升治理能力上得到實踐,並據此分析新加坡國家治理可能面臨的潛在威脅與挑戰。 Since independence in 1965, Singapore has been able to make the best use of its resources for realizing national interests, regardless of diplomatic, military, financial, economic or social culture. Only over half a century, the country has become one of developed countries with four small dragons in Asia, and has consistently demonstrated outstanding results in the global and regional economy. For the Singapore government, maintaining economic development momentum must simultaneously address the three major dilemmas of the labor force gap, the doubts about water supply, and the shortage of land area. From the perspective of overall economic performance in recent years, the national governance strategy has clearly been quite successful. Although Singapore's national development issues have their own special context, the success factors may not be fully replicated. However, through the analysis of Singapore cases, we can draw general rules from them, which will provide us with important clues to think about the modernization of national governance. Based on this, this article uses “resilience? to reinterpret Singapore's national governance experience, and attempts to explore how “resilience? can improve the national governance system and capabilities from the national development crises such as open immigration, multiple water supply, and land reclamation. Get practice and analyze the potential threats and challenges that Singapore's national governance may face.
起訖頁 25-48
關鍵詞 國家治理韌性填海造陸新生水新加坡National GovernanceResilienceLand ReclamationNEWaterSingapore
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 201906 (72:6期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣村里基層治理與社區參與功能




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