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A Case Report of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy
作者 黃琮融王裕方黃蕙棻柯建新賴尚志
慢性腎臟病在台灣是一項高發生率、高盛行率且高醫療花費之重要疾病。中醫看待慢性腎臟病以症狀表現為基準,自古就有中醫藥治療腎病的諸多紀錄與經驗,對於運用在治療現代人的慢性腎臟病上會有許多幫助。本病案患者為一60歲男性,有高血壓、糖尿病、高血脂病史,於民國98年發現泡沫尿於腎臟科就診,經切片檢查為膜性腎病變及糖尿病腎病變,病情反覆遂於民國102/04/22尋求中醫治療。推測原發性膜性腎病變導致患者腎功能變差,經由症狀推導後有腎陰陽虧虛、肝陽上亢、血瘀熱鬱等證型。治則以補腎益氣利水、養陰化瘀清熱為主,隨證加減。中藥治療後至今,腎功能改善、蛋白尿改善、水腫改善、腰痠改善,持續服藥維持療效。希望本病案可以作為臨床中西醫師做治療慢性腎臟病的參考。 Chronic kidney disease is an significant disease in Taiwan with high incidence, high prevalence and high medical expenses. Chinese medicine treats chronic kidney disease on the basis of symptoms. Since ancient times, there have been many records and experiences of traditional Chinese medicine for treating kidney disease, which can help a lot in the treatment of chronic kidney disease in modern time. The patient was a 60-year-old man with history of hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. He visited in our hospital in the Department of Nephrology in 2009. The biopsy was taken and the results showed membranous nephropathy and diabetic nephropathy. Because his condition did not obviously improve, he turned to Chinese medicine Department for help in 2013/04/22. It is speculated that primary membranous nephropathy leads to poor renal function in patients. After the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, renal function, proteinuria, edema and backache has improved. This case can be used as a reference for the treatment of chronic kidney disease by clinical Chinese and Western doctors.
起訖頁 159-169
關鍵詞 慢性腎臟病膜性腎病變糖尿病腎病變中醫藥chronic kidney diseasemembranous nephropathydiabetic nephropathytraditional Chinese medicine
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201903 (22:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 火針療法治療蜂窩性組織炎:腓腨發──蜂窩性組織炎治療概念之探討
該期刊-下一篇 中藥治療新發脆弱性骨折的急性疼痛病例報告




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