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Recent Developments of Taiwan Studies in Japan (2012-2017)
作者 黃英哲張文聰
創刊於1889年的《史學雜誌》是日本歷史最悠久,也是所謂最具有「權威性」的歷史學研究雜誌,特別每年5月發行的《史學雜誌》特集「歷史學界:回顧與展望」,綜觀整理前一年日本史學界發表的研究成果,是日本歷史研究者關注與必讀的一卷。自第112編第5號(2003年5月)起,《史學雜誌》將臺灣史研究單獨立為一個條目來檢討。過去日本與臺灣的學術界也曾有介紹日本的臺灣研究動向之整理報告。日本臺灣學會的整理以10年為界,聚焦於幾本重要學術專書的討論。中央研究院臺灣史研究所等單位聯合召開的回顧與展望研討會報告,則是以單一年度、或是某一主題為界,較能細部描繪日本學界的動態。臺日學界交流頻繁,雙方共享相同的問題意識,即「臺灣主體性」與「歷史連續性」。筆者在前人的累積基礎上,接續整理介紹日本學界近年的臺灣研究狀況與動向。本文將以日本和中華民國斷交四十週年的2012年為起點,以《史學雜誌》「回顧與展望」中提到的臺灣研究專著、論文集、論文為基礎,梳理到2017年為止,日本學術界以日文出版、關於「臺灣研究」的重要著作及其迴響,討論近年日本的臺灣研究狀況。 Shigaku zasshi (“Historical Journal of Japan”), first published in 1889, is the most time-honored and prestigious academic journal on historical science. Its annual May issue, devoted to review articles summing up recent developments in the academic field of history within Japan, is of particular interest and a must-read to researchers of Japan history. Studies of Taiwan history has been made a sub-branch since the May issue of 2003 (Issue 112, no. 5). Literature reviews of Japan-based Taiwan studies have been available in both countries. The Japan Association of Taiwan Studies put emphasis on significant academic publications within each decade, while other organizations such as Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica held symposiums with retrospect and prospect regrading certain years or specific topics in order to portray the academic activities in Japan in a more detailed manner. In view of the frequent exchanges between Taiwanese and Japanese researchers and a shared focus on the subjectivity of Taiwan and the continuity of history, this study aims to add to the cumulative efforts to demonstrate the involvements and trends in the Japanese academic circles of recent years. This study takes the year 2012, the 40th anniversary of Japan severing diplomatic ties with the Republic of China, as the starting point, and combs through the Japanese publications regarding “Taiwan study” up to 2017, as well as feedback from the Japanese academic circles, based on monographs, proceedings, and papers included in the “Retrospect and Prospect” section in Shigaku zasshi.
起訖頁 165-193
關鍵詞 《史學雜誌》臺灣主體性歷史連續性多元文化轉型正義原住民Shigaku Zasshi (Historical Journal of Japan)Subjectivity of TaiwanContinuity of HistoryCultural DiversityTransitional JusticeTaiwanese Aborigine
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201903 (26:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 二戰前後在漢口的臺灣人




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