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Senior Citizens' Servicescape Preferences Regarding Senior Active Learning Centers in the Public Libraries
作者 林芷君邱銘心
公共圖書館為地方的知識門戶,其設計應反映圖書館服務的功能,並能靈活適應服務工作的興革,我國自1993年即正式邁入高齡化社會,圖書館樂齡專屬區域的服務環境設計更顯重要。本研究以臺北市立圖書館之6所樂齡學習中心為研究場域,並以其所屬樂齡讀者為研究對象,選擇照片引談法為資料蒐集方法,共訪談24位受訪者,徵集到284張照片,藉此透過照片及訪談瞭解樂齡讀者使用圖書館樂齡中心之服務環境因素偏好,以期能作為未來公共圖書館樂齡專屬區域規劃之參考。 Public libraries are viewed as the local gateway to knowledge, therefore the design of public libraries should reflect its function for providing services and adapt the change of environment. Since 1993, Taiwan has been included as one of the aging societies, as a result, the servicescape design of the senior-exclusive area in libraries becomes a significant issue. With this regard, this study aims to understand from the senior users' perspective of the way that servicescape should be designed. This study used ?Photo-elicitation? as its data collection method. Twenty-four senior users, who are the patrons of Senior Active Learning Centers in Taipei Public Library were interviewed, and a total of 284 photographs were solicited and used as data source. In addition to exploring senior users' preference of servicescape, this study also attempts to construct a framework that serves as guidance for designing and evaluating servicescape in public libraries.
起訖頁 117-149
關鍵詞 Senior ServiceSenior Active Learning CenterPublic LibrariesServicescapePhoto Elicitation樂齡服務樂齡學習中心公共圖書館服務環境照片引談法
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201906 (17:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 視障及聽障者取用圖書館網頁資訊之無障礙分析
該期刊-下一篇 社群媒體之食品安全風險溝通行為研究——以新浪微博為例




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