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Assessing Library Web Accessibility for Visually or Hearing Impaired People
作者 林巧敏
資訊時代各種資訊以數位形式透過網際網路提供,肩負資訊典藏與終身學習角色之圖書館,應該確保所提供之網站資訊可滿足所有讀者之自由取用。本文主要探討新版之網站無障礙規範實施後,我國國立及公共圖書館網站符合規範要求的情形,研究設計以新版檢測工具找出圖書館網頁無障礙設計的共同問題,並藉由使用者實測觀察分析與訪談,瞭解視聽障礙者利用閱讀輔具實際瀏覽圖書館網站的意見。研究發現檢測網站的無障礙問題,主要是網頁圖片、表格與網站標題缺乏替代文字說明,也欠缺配合閱讀輔具功能設計,致使視聽障礙者無法順利讀取網頁資訊。研究建議圖書館網頁內容儘量減少無資訊意義的動畫設計,並經由視聽障礙者實測修正網頁設計問題,以協助圖書館提升網頁資訊之可及性。 In information society, much information resides in digitalized form on the World Wide Web. Being an information repository and lifelong education roles, libraries shall ensure their website and information system accessibility for all people. In order to understand the websites of libraries meet the norms of barrier-free standard after the new version released. This paper attempts to find common problems of web accessibility design in national and public libraries by using an automatic assessment tool. The observational method and interview of visually or hearing impaired people will be conducted to collect the uses’ experience and opinions by using assistive technologies of library webpages. The results indicate that the typical barriers in library webpages are in pictures, forms and website headers without additional text and alternative information. The function of assistive technologies was not included in the library website design. According to the study, libraries can improve the accessibility of their web presence by reducing valueless animation design and by inviting the disabled community participating in usability testing of library website. Applying the solution will help to improve library web accessibility for the people with disabilities.
起訖頁 83-116
關鍵詞 Web AccessibilityAccessibility TestingPublic Libraries無障礙網頁無障礙測試公共圖書館
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201906 (17:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 三種收錄於臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引之圖書資訊學期刊之英文摘要與摘錄比較研究
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