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Lê Quý Đôn's Thought of Sympathy and the Concerned Integration of Three Teachings
作者 林維杰
本文處理越南儒者黎貴惇的感應思想,嘗試提出感應的四種模式呈現儒釋道三家的交涉情形,這些模式分別是(同質的)同理相感與同氣相感,以及(異質的)理氣相感與異氣感應。「同理相感」是天理與人心之間的感通,「理氣相感」則包含人心與鬼神,以及精神與軀體之間的互動感知,「異氣相感」指的是陰陽五行的相生相勝及沖和與否。「同氣相感」不僅指「天地之氣」與「人之氣」的相接感應,也包含鬼神仙佛與凡人之間的懲戒與果報,甚至指向祭祀墓葬時先祖與後輩之間的血氣感應。形上學的理氣論在貴惇手中逐漸轉為氣學。對他而言,氣化流行貫穿宇宙,也是各種感應現象的主要模式。 This article will to deal with Vietnamese Confucian scholar Lê Quý Đôn's thought of sympathy in order to give a picture of the concerned integration of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. According to Lê, the presentation of sympathy can be divided into four different forms, namely “the homogeneous activity of sympathy” between presentations of same li and of same qi, and “the heterogeneous activity of sympathy” between liqi and between different qi. The first homogeneous form of sympathy is a communication of Dao and heart/mind. The second homogeneous form, to which Lê pay the most attention, contains not only the mutual sympathy between cosmic qi and human qi, but also the punishment and retribution of human world from Gods and Buddha, even that the skeleton of ancestors can put descendants under their protection. The third activity, which is seen as heterogeneous, contains the sympathy between heart/mind and ghost/ god, and between spirit and body. The fourth heterogeneous form means the mutual promotion and restraint between Ying and Yang or among the five elements. Lê amends Zhu Xi's metaphysics about relationship of li-qi and views qi as the guiding and dominant role of our cosmos.
起訖頁 259-286
關鍵詞 理氣感應同質感應異質感應li and qiSympathyHomogeneous SympathyHeterogeneous Sympathy
刊名 思與言  
期數 201803 (56:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 《大智度論》對智顗之禪學詮釋的影響
該期刊-下一篇 解消所有矛盾的「絕對者」:庫撒努思在《論博學的無知》的上帝觀




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