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The Influence of Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa on Zhiyi's Interpretation of Chan
作者 嚴瑋泓
本文以智顗禪學詮釋中引述《大智度論》的脈絡作為研究線索,探究《大智度論》對智顗的禪學詮釋的影響與哲學義蘊。根據本文結論,《大智度論》對智顗禪學詮釋的影響可從以下三點窺知:1.智顗早期自《大智度論》中擇取早期、部派佛教乃至於初期大乘佛學的禪觀理論,並有系統的建構其禪學詮釋的次第。2.智顗在天台隱棲時期禪學詮釋的觀心法門,上溯於《大智度論》的體系禪學,下開天台三大部時期後的圓頓止觀。據此,《大智度論》對智顗之體系禪學、觀心法門乃至於圓頓止觀都有或隱或顯的影響。3.智顗中後期思想的代表性著作,雖然不如早期有系統的擇取《大智度論》的理論與方法作為禪學詮釋的論據,甚至更重視其他的大乘經論,但若從智顗早期禪學詮釋中的內在要求看來,智顗中後期的禪學詮釋也不脫此種思想型態。就此而論,本文認為《大智度論》在智顗禪學詮釋中佔據著重要的地位。 This paper delved into the influence of Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa (hereafter abbreviated as MPPU) on Zhiyi's interpretation of Chan as well as the philosophical implication within through the investigation of the citation of MPPU in his interpretation of Chan. This paper points out that the influence of MPPU on the Zhiyi's interpretation of Chan can be induced into three points: 1. The early stage whereby Zhiyi selectively adopted the theories of meditation of the Early, Abhidharmic and Early Mahāyāna Buddhism from MPPU, and then systematically constituted his interpretation of Chan. 2. The doctrine of the contemplation of mind (kuan-hsin) from Zhiyi's interpretation of Chan, which can be traced back to MPPU, and from that he developed the Perfect Sudden Teaching (Yuan-Tun-Chih-Kuan). As regards, MPPU did influenced the Chan interpretation, the doctrine of the contemplation of the mind and even the Perfect Sudden Teachings of Zhiyi 3. Although the works of the middle and late stages of Zhiyi did not adopted from MPPU as the ground of his interpretation of Chan, and also even more valued on other Mahāyāna texts. But if consider the model shown as the early stage, the middle and late stages of Zhiyi's interpretation has never been divorced from this kind of pattern. Accordingly, MPPU did play an important role in Zhiyi's Chan interpretation.
起訖頁 223-257
關鍵詞 《大智度論》智顗天台禪觀MahāprajñāpāramitopadeśaZhiyiTien-taiContemplation
刊名 思與言  
期數 201803 (56:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 論《淮南子》的因循之道
該期刊-下一篇 越儒黎貴惇的感應思想及其三教交涉




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