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Spirit and Dialectics: The Effective History of Reformation to Classical European Continental Philosophy
作者 陸敬忠
在宗教改革500年紀念之際,本文將以宏大敘事的進路先從更世界觀而言,從西方文化史以及哲學思想史的雙重脈絡下揭示此從艾克哈特至宗教改革所生發的德意志精神文化運動及其發展脈絡之核心所在:一種從存有至精神之神哲學典範轉移,或者更從哲思基本預設而言,從玄元(ἀρχή)系統性(systematic)哲思轉向整體體系性(holisitc-systemic)哲思,接著再提示其所生成感應的兩條獨特的德意志神哲學思路脈絡亦即辯證法與詮釋學來呈現宗教改革對歐陸哲學之效應歷史,本文以論述辯證法為主體,亦即將古典德意志哲學之中心思路的生成發展,顯示成從精神典範之生成特殊地發展成主體論哲思以及其思路之形構亦即辯證法之化成。而一方面在從德意志精神運動至古典德意志哲學之思想史進程中,源自日耳曼密諦神思的上帝-人-宇宙之為三元一系(trinitical)的內在性三一體系底精神結構實通貫而轉化地為其世界觀架構,另一方面該運動則從精神典範特殊化為主體論哲思並終以辯證法為其表現方式。如是,在開放性結論中會開示從宗教改革典範轉移所開啟的另一條歐陸神哲思路:詮釋學。 In the course of the quingentenary of the Reformation, this article will take the path of grand narration from the perspective of the world view to present the effective history of the Reformation to the European continental philosophy, that is, under the dual context of the Western cultural history and the history of philosophy it shall reveal at first this e process from Eckhart to the Reformation as the genesis of the cultural movement of the German spirit and the core of its development context: a paradigm shift of theological and philosophical thinking from being to spirit, or concerning the basic presupposition of philosophy, from the systematic philosophy of ἀρχή to the holistic-systemic philosophy. It will indicate the two unique German theological and philosophical thinking, i.e. dialectics and hermeneutics as clues. Dialectics as the main theme of this paper shall be displayed, that is, the genesis and development of the central way of thinking of classical German philosophy will be demonstrated as specialization of the spiritparadigm into the philosophy of subjectivity and the construction of its way of thinking in formation of the dialectics. In the intellectual-historical progress from the movement of German spirit to the classical German philosophy, the trialectical system of God, human and world as spiritual structure originating from the immanent trinity of German mysticism plays the continuing but also transforming framework of world view.
起訖頁 83-124
關鍵詞 宗教改革歐陸哲學精神辯證法詮釋學MysticismReformationEuropean Continental PhilosophySpiritDialectics
刊名 思與言  
期數 201803 (56:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「從神聖言說至經典詮釋」專號導言
該期刊-下一篇 懺悔的隱喻與勾勒形構:呂格爾詮釋學之宗教向度研究




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