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From Cultural Renaissance to Cultural Reconstruction: Transition and Transformation of the Textbooks Writing of “History of Chinese Culture” for Junior High Schools in Postwar Taiwan
作者 劉龍心
教科書的出現是中國近代史上極具劃時代意義的大事,教科書中所傳遞的知識與訊息,大體勾勒了每一世代的人最基本的知識結構。1965年啟用至2007年停用的《中國文化史》教科書,不但形塑臺灣青少年的歷史文化觀念,教科書的內容亦折射了不同世代臺灣社會認知和理解「文化」的歷程。本文主要討論各個不同版本的高中《中國文化史》教科書的書寫策略,尤其側重知識結構與知識轉型的變化,及學術與教育之間的互饋關係,從中觀察在臺灣使用了四十多年的《中國文化史》,如何從復興傳統中華文化走向解嚴之後以根植臺灣、重塑文化認同為目標的過程。 The emergence of textbook is an epochal event in modern China. The information conveyed in textbook map out the knowledge structure of every generation. The Chinese Cultural History textbook, first issued in 1965 and ceased publication in 2007, not only shaped the concept of culture and history of Taiwanese teenagers, but also reflected identity within different generations. In this article I compare various versions of Chinese Cultural History, analyze their strategy of compilation and writing; and interpret the interaction between textbook content, political ideology, and national education policy. I especially highlight the interaction between writing strategies of textbooks and transformation of knowledge structure, underscore the academic research trend and its feedback toward popular education. We may find, at last, that this textbook miniature the changing idea of “culture” from Chinese Cultural Renaissance before the lift of Marshal Law to reshaping cultural identity which rooted in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-74
關鍵詞 中國文化史教科書復興中華文化歷史思維書寫策略Chinese Cultural HistoryTextbookChinese Cultural RenaissanceHistorical ThinkingWriting Strategy
刊名 思與言  
期數 201803 (56:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 「從神聖言說至經典詮釋」專號導言




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