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Teaching Material Design and Curriculum Implement in Calligraphy Art Appreciation Course
作者 郭伯佾
名品賞析乃是學習藝術之最佳入門途徑,書法藝術之學習亦不例外。書法藝術之賞析,除了考索書法作品之用筆、結字、構篇等書寫技法之外,還需輔以書家背景、寫作時空、文辭意境、紙色搭配、書體選擇等相關條件之觀察,以還原書家創作之過程,進而掌握該作品之神采;然後再使用精準而優美之語言或文字,將所掌握之要項清晰傳達。筆者自103學年第一學期至今,於實踐大學博雅學部開設「書法藝術賞析」通識課程。本文主要是根據個人數年之教學實務經驗,針對「書法藝術賞析」課程之教材與教法,提出改革方案;希望能因此而振奮學生之學習動機,進而提升本課程之教學績效。本文分為六部分――第一部分「前言」,敘述寫作之緣起。第二部分「書法藝術賞析之教學目標」,敘述本課程教學之預期成效。第三部分「書法藝術賞析之教材設計與精進」,敘述本課程教材設計與不斷改進之過程。第四部分「書法藝術賞析之教學實施與精進」,敘述本課程教學方式與不斷改進之過程。第五部分「結語」,總結本文之研究成果。 The best way of learning an art can start from art appreciation. That is true in calligraphy learning. To help students grasp the essence of art works, the Calligraphy Art Appreciation Course examines the works' calligraphic skills such as brush stroke, word writing and text structure, along with analyzing the calligrapher's background , creating environment, text meaning, paper color and script chosen. These examination and analysis are then precisely expressed in fine language description. The author has been delivering Calligraphy Appreciation Course in Liberal Education Department, Shih Chien University from 2014. Based on practical teaching experiment, this study tries to develop innovative programs to inspire students' learning motivation and enhance teaching effect. This study consists of six parts: 1. Introduction 2. Teaching objectives of Calligraphy Art Appreciation Course 3. Teaching material design and improvement 4. Teaching practice and improvement 5. Conclusion
起訖頁 88-140
關鍵詞 術賞析書法教學目標教材教法art appreciationcalligraphyteaching objectiveteaching materialteaching method
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201807 (28期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 紫微星曜能力異質分組在教學上的應用——以大一國文為例




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