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The Application of Teaching in Zi Wei Astrologies Grouping: Take the Freshman Chinese as an Example
作者 許如蘋
台灣教師在課堂上實行學生分組合作學習的討論教學法,已行之有年。然而,分組報告,卻成了台灣留學生最大的文化衝擊。因為,在德國學校裡,不常看到「好朋友們總是同一組」。在德國學校裡,老師也會刻意不讓熟悉的學生們一組。在台灣,老師要求分組討論時,同學們多數會先尋找熟悉,友好的同學來情義相挺。於是,對有些同學來說,分組討論可能是個惡夢。對於台灣的教師,如何妥善的安排分組,也是個極大的考驗。本文主要以大一國文課程為例,提出於初次見面的第一堂課,依照學生紫微命盤命宮主星進行能力異質分組的教學理念與實踐。將學生進行分組的方法,乃以紫微斗數的十四顆主星,六顆吉星,六顆凶星,以及祿存、天馬,共二十八顆對生命影響力比例較重的甲級星,簡略地依照生命個性表現力,分類為:領導型、幕僚型、創意型、福星型等等,並令有領導才能個性的同學擔任組長。依照紫微星曜能力異質分組的方法,在大一國文課程的教學成果,一是在第一堂課程即能完成分組。二能打散不同科系,並使各組成員均有領導與幕僚等等人才。三是給予同學良好的學習環境,各組成員能相互討論與學習。依照紫微星曜能力異質分組合作學習,為創新的分組方法,在大一國文兩個班級的課堂上,連續近兩年的施行,同學們能於活潑的討論中快樂的學習,也能相互砥礪閱讀文本,攫取文本上的知識,使得國文課堂更加活絡。 In Taiwan, grouping discussion in the classroom has been established. However, group reports always impact on Taiwanese students. In German schools, good friends are not always in the same group, teachers also avoid a group of familiar students. In Taiwan, when a group discussion requests, most of the students look for familiar friends. For some students, group discussion may be a nightmare. How to properly arrange groups is also a great issue for Taiwan teachers. In this paper, the freshman Chinese course is taken as an example to propose the first class, according to philosophy and practice of student grouping in Zi Wei astrologies. The Zi Wei astrologies methods for grouping students are the fourteen main stars, six lucky stars, six evil stars, and Lu Cun and Tianma. The 28 A-class stars in Zi Wei astrologies influence human life. According to the expression of life personality, it is categorized as: leadership, aides, creative, lucky star, and so on, and the leadership of the students with leadership personality as the leader. The first achievement of the freshman Chinese course grouping in accordance with the method of Ziweixing ability is completed in the beginning class. The second achievement can group different university departments and enable all members of the group to have leaders and staff members. The third is to give the students a good learning environment. Each group member can discuss and study with each other. In accordance with Ziweixing ability group cooperative learning, as an innovative grouping method, in the two different classes of the freshman Chinese, for nearly two years of continuous implementation, the students can learn in a lively discussion and learn from each other. Reading texts and capturing textual knowledge have made the Chinese classroom more active.
起訖頁 60-85
關鍵詞 分組方法合作學習小組討論教學法grouping methodcooperative learninggroup discussion teaching
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201807 (28期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 後月亮主義──林怡翠詩中的「月」意象
該期刊-下一篇 書法藝術賞析教材設計與課程實施




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