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The Challenges and Visions of Cross-straits' Investment Cooperation in Post ECFAEra
作者 張婷 (Ting Chang)昝大偉沈芊妤
本文研究重心在於呼籲兩岸正視兩岸投資合作之急迫性,兩岸頻繁投資行為因多年來累積豐富成熟之處理經驗,然兩岸投資合作亦面臨瓶頸與挑戰,故需加強機制面之保障,海峽兩岸投資保障和促進協議之締結實符合兩岸人民期待與實際切身需求。再者,正視兩岸投資合作之階段到位性特色,尤其投資領域瞬息萬變且投資涉及資本高風險流動,兩岸需攜手保持高度彈性與應變力,以高效率因應全球化與區域化所驅動之經濟活動複雜與多變特性。此外,本文分析追求兩岸投資合作之雙贏格局,利益主體因投資所引發之利益衝突乃屬必然,而為追求兩岸雙贏共生,建置具必要性之兩岸投資合作機制即在平衡與協調投資利益及緩解衝突。故,海峽兩岸投資保障和促進協議在符合兩岸人民共同利益下孕育而生。 This article emphasizes the following. First, governments from both sides should realize the urgency of investment cooperation between the cross-straits. Frequent investment activities between the cross-straits accumulate a lot of experiences. However, investment cooperation between the cross-straits still face difficulties and challenges, thus, institutional mechanism should be built. The born of Cross-straits Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement symbolizes expectations and needs of people from both sizes. Moreover, investment cooperation between the cross-straits is a step to step process, especially investment relates to a great deal of capital and high risk. Cross-straits should maintain flexible and efficient to deal with complicate and changeable investment in both global and regional perspectives. Furthermore, this article analyzes a win-win strategy for the cross-straits to face in dealing with investment cooperation. Interest conflicts relating to investment are hard to avoid. To pursue win-win, a mechanism balancing investment interests and conflicts is necessary. Thus, the born of Cross-straits Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement fits in common interests by people from the cross-straits.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 國際投資海峽兩岸投資保障和促進協定International investmentWTOECFACross-straits Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-下一篇 公權力介入著作權集體管理團體之界線──兼評最高行政法院100年判字第496號判決




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