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The Analysis of the Trademark Infringement Liability and Cases
作者 曾勝珍黃雪芬
侵權法理論劃分直接侵權行為和間接侵害責任的不同規範,西元1982年美國聯邦最高法院曾做出對商標間接侵害責任的判決,間接侵害責任使被害人可求償的範圍擴大,若針對直接侵害人,也許受限於其財力不足清償被害人的損害,或僅是購買侵權物品的消費者,加上被害人向直接侵害人逐一求償的程序過繁或訴訟費用過多,惟電子商務及網路商店盛行,導致如販售仿冒品與盜用網域名稱…等侵害發生,因此間接侵害責任廣為實務所採,除保護商標權人的利益更祈遏止侵害行為,本文將說明商標侵害理論,包括替代侵害責任與輔助侵害責任的規範內容,並以美國商標法實務為主,其次說明台灣立法暨現況,檢視台灣商標法及民、刑法有關商標損害賠償制度的相關規定,最後介紹中國大陸商標侵害相關案例數據,統整後提出建議暨結論。 The purposes of Trademark Law are encouraging applications of registration, protecting the exclusive use of trademark owners, making the consumers easier to recognize each trademark. Infringement of trademark will cause owners' damages and get the illegal profits. Secondary liability is liability that is imposed upon a defendant who did not directly commit the wrongdoing at issue, digital technology appears to pose a threat to trademark holders because digital technology eases the reproduction of marks and facilitates the global distribution of infringing products.This article will discuss the theories of secondary liability, it examines the vicarious liability and contributory liability by analyzing the current law of infringement. Secondly, this article is going to introduce the U.S. cases and judicial decisions. Thirdly, it tries to reveal Taiwanese Trademark Law in related to trademark infringement secondary liability. The analysis is assessing how the law of secondary trademark liability fails to lay a reasonable template for resolving complex issues of technological change. Finally, this paper tries to make the statistical figures of Mainland China's trademark infringement cases.
起訖頁 205-263
關鍵詞 商標間接侵害責任網際網路輔助侵害責任替代侵害責任TrademarkSecondary Infringement LiabilityInternetContributory LiabilityVicarious Liability
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201112 (4期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 後ECFA時代兩岸投資合作之前景




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