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The Construction of LGBTQ Friendly Long-Term Care from LGBTQ Friendly Medicine
作者 洪宏陳昱名
隨著高齡社會的來臨,人口老化及老人照護議題已成為我國的重要問題。但由於同志群體作為社會中的弱勢,其長照與老化的議題卻相對缺乏社會關注、專業投入發展、與政府政策資源的挹注。相較於長照,國內針對同志的醫療議題相對已有較多元的研究與發展經驗,也俱備在地的實作經驗,因此,本文以國內同志友善醫療的實作經驗與研究做參照,提供推展同志友善長照的借鏡或啟示。建構同志友善的長照環境,是健康人權平等的落實,期望長照界能借鏡醫療界推動的同志友善醫療,打造同志友善長照環境,提供包括同志在內的每一位國民具個別化全人精神的照護支持。 Since Taiwan have become an aged society, issues of aging population and long-term care in aging were important for future development of our country. LGBTQ, being a gender minority group, their rights for long-term care and social support for aging were neglected by the government and society relatively. Construction of LGBTQ friendly medicine in Taiwan already achieved various research results and raised many discussions about clinical treatment and establishment of doctor-patient relationship. So this text tried to take the experience of LGBTQ friendly medicine construction as a foundation to bring up some suggestions of future development for LGBTQ friendly long-term care system. Development for LGBTQ friendly long-term care system is a symbol of health human right realization, this text suggested professional long-term care group and the government should take the experience of LGBTQ friendly medicine construction as references, to establish a true LGBTQ friendly long-term care system, to give everyone citizen (include LGBTQ) individualized and holistic caring support.
起訖頁 362-368
關鍵詞 同志同志友善醫療同志友善長照LGBTQLGBTQ friendly medicineLGBTQ friendly long-term care
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201905 (23:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 下背痛診斷分類與手法矯治
該期刊-下一篇 從兩極化刑事政策論醫療暴力




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