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Exploring the Within-Group Service Quality Homogeneity: The Case of Cultural Groups in Taiwan
作者 李介祿王青怡
在公園與遊憩研究領域中,比較不同文化、族群及社會群體的研究,是頗具價值之探索,也是重要的研究趨勢之一。在比較研究中的基本假設之一是,單一文化族群內的同質性。研究顯示,不同文化族群背景之遊客有不同的服務品質知覺。但若同一族群的服務品質知覺大於不同族群之間的服務品質知覺,以此來比較不同族群之差異是不適當的。本研究目的為探討臺灣公園與遊憩遊客族群內部之同質性,並以三大文化族群(閩南、客家與外省)之社會人口統計變項與服務品質知覺為檢測目標。本研究於2008至2011年間,在惠蓀國家森林遊樂區與太魯閣國家公園現地實施問卷調查,取得1,719位閩南族群、499位客家族群和215位外省族群之戶外遊客樣本。研究結果顯示,三大文化族群遊客對服務品質知覺之同質程度分別為閩南族群40%、客家族群85%、外省族群95%。本研究認為,同一文化族群之遊客服務品質知覺同質率愈高,比較不同文化族群之間的服務品質知覺差異愈具有可信度。本研究結果可供研究族群、區域、國家差異及公園與遊憩經營管理參考。 Comparative park and recreation research among cultural, ethnic, and other presumably distinctive social groups is valuable and is one of the important research agendas. One of the assumptions in comparative research is the within-group homogeneity for the variable under comparison. If the within-group variance such as service quality perceptions exceeded those of between groups, then comparisons between groups on the service quality perceptions were not appropriate. The purpose of this study was to explore the issue of within-group homogeneity in the context of park and recreation in Taiwan, and tested the socio-demographic and service quality variables among three major Taiwan cultural groups, specifically looking at the case of Hoklos, Hakkas, and Mainlanders. We examined a sample of 1,719 Hoklos, 499 Hakkas, and 215 Mainlanders from outdoor recreation visitor surveys in Huisun National Forest Recreation Area and Taroko National Park during 2008 to 2011. The results revealed that the percentages of perceptions of service quality homogeneity were 40% for Hoklos, 85% for Hakkas, and 95% for Mainlanders. The research contended that the higher percentages of within-group homogeneity of service quality perceptions, the more confident we feel the differences of between-group service quality perceptions were real. The discussion and research implications for the investigation of cultural differences in parks and recreation management were also provided.
起訖頁 53-75
關鍵詞 公園與遊憩文化同質性比較研究服務品質知覺社會人口統計變數park and recreationcultural homogeneitycomparative researchservice quality perceptionsocio-demographic
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201803 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 廚亦有道:探索廚師的不道德行為
該期刊-下一篇 領導風格對工作投入與留任意願之影響:以餐旅業實習生為例




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