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Chefs also Have Their Rules: Exploring the Immoral Behaviour of Chefs
作者 江文誠
廚師不只需廚藝高超,提升其專業道德亦為餐飲經營的重要議題;內場廚師是餐旅營運中極為重要的角色,過去關於不道德行為方面的研究,並未有深入探討廚師職場之不道德行為。本研究旨在透過質性研究之內容分析法進行深度訪談,歸納廚務人員不道德行為之範疇,包括工作環境(場域)之分、廚師本身的意圖、起因而產生的行為、工作年資的差異、損害公司利益或顧客權益等。分析結果顯示,廚師不道德行為之因素,分別為廚師個人、顧客、同僚與組織及專業;其意圖動機有貪圖個人便利性、工作衛生習慣不佳、個人敬業態度不佳、授權以外的私惠、侵害顧客權益、自我能力不足、同僚關係偏差,以及侵害組織利益等。本研究探討的餐飲業廚師不道德行為,乃是以「廚師角度」所進行的研究,強調其針對「顧客、公司」所做的不道德行為,且對顧客與公司「造成負面影響」。本研究將不道德行為歸納為56個項目,如水、電、瓦斯的浪費、刀(工)具使用的不當、對職業之忠誠與勝任等。最後,依研究結果提出餐飲業常發生的廚師職場之不道德行為參考類目及相關管理意涵,以作為後續研究之參考。 Chefs have to be professional in culinary arts. They need to promote their professional ethics as well. It is one of the most important issues in the restaurant management. The executive chef plays an important role in the course of restaurant management. However, researches on immoral behaviors of chefs have not discussed deeply. The purpose of this study is to conduct in-depth interviews and analysis through the content analysis of qualitative phenomenology. It generalizes five factors of immoral behaviors of kitchen staff: work environment (field), chefs’ internal intention, acts of causes, differences in terms of years of service, and losses of company or customer interests. The results of the analysis show that the factors of immoral behaviors of chefs are personal factors (the sake of convenience, poor hygiene habits, and bad personal attitude towards work), customer factors (potential profits and losses of customer interest), colleagues and organizational factors (lack of abilities, poor relationship between colleagues, and losses of company interest), and professional factors (bad attitude towards work, improper use and management of food preparation, improper use and management of kitchen equipment). It will have a “negative impact” on customers and companies due to their immoral behaviors. As a result, this study classifies the results of these behaviors into 56 items as follows: the waste of energy (water, electricity and gas), improper use of kitchen tools, professional loyalty and competence, loyalty to employers, negligence, conflict of interest, mutual interference between colleagues, orders of food preservation, hospitality, obsession of humanity, the wrong ways of food preservation, improper maintenance of kitchen equipment and so on. According to results of this research, it provides the common chefs’ immoral behaviors in the catering industry as references to follow-up researches and implications of restaurant management.
起訖頁 27-51
關鍵詞 不道德行為廚師職業道德
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201803 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 以消費體驗觀點探討觀光工廠之行銷策略
該期刊-下一篇 探討臺灣文化族群內部遊憩服務品質知覺之同質性




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