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Crisis of Democracy in the Era of Global Capitalism
作者 紹江
本文評析了近十年來幾本主要討論資本主義、帝國、專制、民主和全球化關係的書籍,資本主義和帝國共同建構和擴張主導當下的世界體系,民主與資本主義和帝國的結合導致民主正在消亡,而中國專制國家資本主義帝國的崛起正在加速這一過程。結束當下世界體系,才可能保護目前的民主形式,全球化使民主已經不可能只在一國或數國存在,只有建立全球民主才能根本解決民主的危機,並實現民主的潛力。建立全球民主需改革目前的代議制度,實現民主內部平等,消除特權,實現經濟民主;專制國家人民爭取實現不同場域的民主;同時改革目前的國際體系。 The article examines several books on the relationship between capitalism, empire, authoritarianism, democracy, and globalization in the past decades. Under the domination and expansion of current global capitalism and empire, the democratic capitalism and democratic imperialism are leading to the demise of democracy, that the rise of the Chinese authoritarian capitalist empire is accelerating this process. Only by ending global capitalism and empire will protect the current types of democracy. Globalization has made it impossible for democracy to exist in only one country or several countries. Only by establishing global democracy can fundamentally resolve crisis of democracy and fulfill democratic potential. The global democracy requires fundamental reform of the representative system, realization of equality within democracy, the elimination of privileges, realization of economic democracy; people in authoritarian countries striving to achieve democracy in fields; reform of the current international system.
起訖頁 173-199
關鍵詞 民主資本主義帝國專制全球化democracycapitalismempireauthoritarianismglobalization
刊名 台灣國際研究季刊  
期數 201903 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣國際研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 馬來西亞的政教關係




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