中文摘要 |
Although there are many ways to challenge the validity of a judicial decision or an arbitration award, the author believes that the most effective way is to point out when the tribunal has erred in its interpretation or in applying its own interpretation on the facts in issue. After briefing the Arbitral Tribunal’s interpretation of Article 121(3) of the 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) and the application of its own interpretation toward Itu Aba (Taiping Island), the author argues that the South China Sea Arbitration Award is erroneous in many ways. First, it failed to consider that the interpretation of the UNCLOS should evolve with the development of technology. Second, the extremely strict approach taken by the Arbitral Tribunal in interpreting “human habitation”, which declines to take into account the evidence of an official or military population, may obstruct the Arbitral Tribunal in correctly evaluating the natural capacity of a given island. Third, and perhaps the most importantly, the Arbitral Tribunal failed to consider that the presence of an official or military population and the lack of civilian habilitation on Itu Aba is the result of Martial Law and the later national security mechanisms imposed by the Taiwanese government, which constitutes an intervening force that shall fall within the exception the Arbitral Tribunal held. Fourth, the approach not to consider the presence of official or military population leaves ambiguities in the application for states to circumvent. Finally, the extremely narrow approach taken by the Arbitral Tribunal in interpreting “economic life of its own”, which excludes the use of economic activity derived from a possible exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, may be too narrow to accommodate human technologies and lifestyles. After pointing out deficiencies in the Arbitration Award, the author nevertheless argues that the narrow approach taken by the Arbitral Tribunal in interpreting Article 121(3) of the UNCLOs may still be in the interests of Taiwan, as such an approach discourages human additions to, or modifications of, an island for the purpose of claiming marine entitlements under the UNCLOS. Therefore, if this approach is followed, it may no longer be necessary for Taiwan to invest—or even over-invest—resources in Itu Aba and other controlled islands so as to compete with other resourceful states adjoining the South China Sea. Nevertheless, despite seeing the virtue of the approach taken by the Arbitral Tribunal, the author concludes that due to the limits of the Arbitration Award, it may still fall short in providing guidance for handling complex situations like that of the South China Sea. |