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The Dispute Over the South China Sea and Taiwan’s Response
作者 陳荔彤
南海爭端與衝突情勢主要源自南海海域重要的戰略位置與海上航道、豐富的生物與非生物資源,牽涉到相關國家對於南海海域的海洋權益。南海是國際重要航道,其通航運輸船舶總噸數相當於世界船舶總噸數的一半,占世界石油運輸量的一半,通航量為蘇伊士運河的兩倍、巴拿馬運河的三倍。南海海域蘊含的經濟利益,隨著世界經濟重心轉移到亞太地區,各國對於海洋資源與能源的依賴日漸增加,更突顯南海海域的重要性。針對南海仲裁庭對太平島不合理不合法之仲裁判斷,台灣應考量以《聯合國海洋法公約》附件七笫13條為依據,向荷蘭海牙常設仲裁庭提起新仲裁,或是要求涉及太平島周邊聲索國家,包含菲律賓、越南、馬來西亞及其它利害關係國家等,依2002年《南海各方行為宣言》進行多邊協商談判。 The South China Sea dispute and conflict situation mainly from the South China Sea waters important strategic location and sea waterway, rich biological and non-biological resources, involving the relevant countries for the South China Sea marine rights and interests. The South China Sea is an important international channel, the total tonnage of its navigable vessels is equivalent to half the total tonnage of the world’s ships, accounting for half of the world’s oil transport, twice as much as the Suez Canal, three times the Panama Canal. The economic interests of the South China Sea, with the world’s economic focus shifted to the Asia-Pacific region, countries for marine resources and energy dependence is increasing, but also highlights the importance of the South China Sea. In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Court of Arbitration of the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal on the unreasonable and unjustified arbitration of Taiping Island shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Voice countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and other interested countries, according to the 2002 Declaration of the South China Sea parties to conduct multilateral consultations.
起訖頁 35-105
關鍵詞 南海爭端南海仲裁九段線U 型線太平島the South China Sea disputethe South China Sea arbitrationnine-dash lineU-shaped lineTai-ping Island
刊名 台灣國際法季刊  
期數 201609 (13:3期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣對《南海仲裁案》的回應與其國際法意涵:新的南海政策?
該期刊-下一篇 從美國敦請與南海仲裁裁決文探討台灣的「南海限定」角色




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