中文摘要 |
於TRIPS對WTO會員國之智慧財產權保護設立最低保護標準後,美國在西元兩千年以後開始藉雙邊自由貿易協議以開放內國市場換取對方提高智慧財產權之保護,而可被稱為「TRIPS PLUS」,而且之後更以多邊條約為之,泛太平洋經濟夥伴協議(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,以下簡稱「TPP」)即為一例。TPP著作權之TRIPS PLUS規範中,大體上有兩類超越TRIPS之規範,一為保護標準之提高,另一為TRIPS於一九九四年簽訂後網路科技發展所帶來。因此,TPP有關著作權限制與合理使用即維持在TRIPS水準而未加以擴大。TPP第18.65條第二項規定,本條並未減低或擴大TRIPS、伯恩公約、WIPO著作權條約、WIPO表演與錄音物條約所允許之限制與例外之適用範圍。由此一規定可見,TPP乃將對使用人有利之規範停留在TRIPS之水準,而擴大或提升對權利人有利之規範,明顯有利於著作權與鄰接權之輸出國。
TRIPS has set a minimum standard for copyright protection in WTO. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) moves a step forward in enhancing copyright protection. This is called "TRIPS PLUS". There are two reasons for that development. One reason is that Japan and the United States in America (has withdrawn its signature) would like to increase IP protection. The other reason is that high technology has developed quite a lot after TRIPS was signed in 1994. |