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The effect of backpack carrying load on walking gait parameters with insole intervention
作者 王信寰陳映蓉楊瑞珠蘇蕙芬 (Huey-Fen Su)陳家祥
目的:本研究目的主要探討當背帶負重背包走路時對於人體下肢步態參數之影響,並透過增加鞋墊厚度來驗證是否能夠降低下肢傷害。方法:本研究募集14位大學生(身高161.5±6.4公分、體重52.2±8.4公斤)為實驗受試者,所有受試者需有運動習慣(1年50小時以上),並於半年內無下肢神經、肌肉、骨骼、肌腱、韌帶之傷害及無心血管之病史。本研究使用AMTI測力板及Cortex高速動態攝影機進行實驗收案,受試者需要在無負重及增加10%自身體重的負重下進行走路測驗,再透過加入鞋墊觀察是否可以降低下肢負荷率。透過重複量數二因子變異數分析比較不同負重及鞋墊厚度下走路的變化情形。顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:走路之主動力、制動力、衝擊力、第一主動力及最大力量數值,會隨著負重增加隨之增加,髖關節最小角度則會下降。結論:此一結果可運用在未來改善背包過重問題時,可以從材料及彈性係數著手。 Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of backpack carrying load on walking gait parameters and inspected if it was possible to reduce injuries by increasing the thickness of the insole. Method: This study recruited 14 college participants (height :161.5±6.4cm weight: 52.2±8.4 kg), all of the participants have exercise habits (50 more hours in 1 year). All of them did not have any injuries related to neural muscular, bones, tendons and ligament as well as cardiovascular disease within six months. This study used AMTI force plate and Cortex high-speed motion capture system to collect data. The trial included the participants walking under two conditions-without load and added with 10% of self-body weight. And the insoles were then inserted to observe whether it can scale down the lower limb loading rate or not. By using two-way ANOVA to analyzed and compared the effect of walking in different load and insole thickness (α=0.05). Result: The main power, braking force, impact force, first main power and maximum force in walking will increase with the load added. The minimum hip angle would decline on the other hand. Conclusion: The results could be put into practice to improve the overload issue on backpack by starting with the materials' elastic coefficients.
起訖頁 11-18
關鍵詞 負荷率背包負重鞋墊步態參數Loading RateBackpack LoadingInsoleGait Parameters
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201903 (10期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 例行性動作課程對射箭表現之影響
該期刊-下一篇 舞蹈教室有氧舞蹈課程滿意度內容要素探討




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