中文摘要 |
目的:本研究為檢驗例行性動作課程介入對射箭表現的影響。方法:本研究以二因子混和設計變異數分析考驗實驗組與控制組在前測、中測與後測之間的差異,百分比獨立樣本z檢定考驗動作行為順序一致性。將參與者前測射箭成績作為交叉分組依據,以8名選手作為實驗組;8名選手作為控制組,選手年齡14±0.91歲,射箭訓練至少1年,未曾接受過例行性動作課程之經驗。實驗組進行八週的例行性動作課程介入;控制組則維持原本訓練模式,兩組訓練箭數量相同。以前、中、後測的實驗設計,探討射箭表現與動作行為之差異。結果:一、例行性動作課程介入後,實驗組參與者在中測與後測的動作內容順序一致性皆顯著優於控制組(z=2.54, z=2.44)。二、例行性動作課程介入後,兩組別與射箭表現之間有交互作用存在(F=5.62, p<.05, η2=.446)。結論:例行性動作對於運動選手來說,是很好調節心理與運動表現的方式,除了需要長時間的培養與調整外,整體來說,在學習上並無困難點。另外在例行性動作應用方面,應循序漸進,從中培養基礎達到熟能生巧,便能利於未來運動表現及動作學習上。
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of pre-performance routine lesson intervention on archery performance. Method: The collected data were studied by conducting 2×3 (treatment group / control group × pre-test / middle-test / post-test) analysis of two-way ANOVA and z test, with an aim to explore the difference of the archery test results between and within the two groups. Prior to the commencement of the current study’s experiment, eight athletes from School A as treatment group and eight athletes from School B as control group had been selected as participants and cross grouping on their archery test results before. Participants between 14 ± 0.91 years old. All the participants had undergone archery training for at least one year, with no prior experience of pre-performance routine experience. In eight intervention, the length of training time for both groups was the same. The only difference was that the treatment group was involved in an eight-week pre-performance routine lesson intervention, while the control group took the same training schedule and pattern as usual. Result: (1) After the intervention of the pre-performance routine lesson intervention, the sequence of action content of the treatment group in the middle-test and in the post-test were significantly better than that of the control group (z=2.54, z=2.44). (2) After the intervention of the pre-performance routine lesson, both group exist the interaction on archery performance (F=5.62, p<.05, η2=.446). Conclusion: pre-performance routine is a good way for athletes to adjust their mental and athletic performance. In addition to the need for long-term training and adjustment, overall, people have no difficulty learning it. Moreover, in the aspect of application of pre-performance routine, it should be manipulated step by step, thus conducive to future sports performance and action learning. |