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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Exploring the Proper Ways of Translation Education Based on the Perspective of Fusion of Language and Culture: Translation Education of the Department of Japanese Language and Culture at Fu Jen Catholic University as an example
作者 楊錦昌林文瑛
台灣近年在教育部推動「多國語文與文化連結課程計畫」下,日語教學融合語言與文化的議題再次成為話題,因此本文試圖乘此風潮,從語言與文化融合的觀點,探討翻譯教育應有的面貌。具體論述從日語教學場域「輔仁大學日本語文學系」的翻譯教育概要出發,接著透過實例論述翻譯教學中的言語與文化問題,並針對翻譯教育應有的面貌提出個人觀點。 In Taiwan, following the “Language Competence & Cultural Diversity Cultivation Program," promoted by the Ministry of Education, the topic of fusion of language and culture in Japanese education has once again been in the spotlight in recent years. Therefore, following the trend, the present paper attempts to explore proper ways of translation education from the viewpoint of the fusion of language and culture. First of all, we introduce the guidelines of translation education of the Department of Japanese Language, Literature & Culture at Fu Jen Catholic University. And then we discuss the issues of language and culture in translation teaching by showing examples. Finally, we propose ideas on the proper ways of translation education.
起訖頁 87-109
關鍵詞 語言文化翻譯翻譯教育言語與文化融合languageculturetranslationtranslation educationfusion of language and culture
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201809 (51期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 句尾的「tte」的功能




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