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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on Sentences Ending with Tte
作者 深尾圓
本稿以分析日語語料庫及電視綜藝節目等談話資料的方式,對談話中以句尾的引用表現「tte」的句子的功能進行考察。將以句尾的「tte」的句子分為「引用,傳達」「和會話的推進相關」「表達說話者心理態度」三大類。接著再以用法細分歸類:「引用,傳達」有「轉達別人的話的用法」,「傳達說話者之前說過的話的用法」「傳達說話者想法的用法」三種。「和會話的推進相關」有「確認的用法」「結論用法」「展開會話的用法」「勸聽者發聲的用法」四種。「表達說話者心理態度」有「表現說話者強烈主張(強調)的用法」,「表現說話者感情和主張的用法」二種,並且對能使用「tte」的場面進行考察。 In this paper the functions of sentences ending with the quotation particle tte in discourse were analyzed using data of Japanese Corpus and TV programs. Sentences ending with tte have three groups: telling a new information, managing and expanding conversations, expressing speaker's feelings and attitudes. The group of telling a new information has three usages: telling other's story, telling the story that a speaker told before, telling speaker's thoughts and ideas. The group of managing and expanding conversations has four usages: asking unclear part of speech, organizing a story, expanding conversation, urging listener's utterance. The group of expressing speaker's feelings and attitudes has two usages: emphasizing speaker's speech, expressing speaker's feelings and assertions. Situations that tte can be used are also examined.
起訖頁 57-86
關鍵詞 引用表現「tte」句尾談話使用場面quotation particlettesentences ending withdiscoursesituations
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201809 (51期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 以跨文化溝通能力培育為主之華日翻譯教材開發
該期刊-下一篇 從言語與文化融合的觀點試探翻譯教育應有的面貌之一端:以輔仁大學日本語文學系的翻譯教育為例




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