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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Assessments in Basic Japanese Conversation Classes: Focus on Student Self-assessment
作者 馮寶珠
日語教師通常採用教師主導型之評量方式,並依據日語學習者的測驗分數來評估學習者所學知識和其學習能力。然而,近年來,日語教育界也積極採用學習者主導型之評量方式,藉由學習者之自我評量來了解學習者之學習狀況。 本稿擬以大學日文系初級日語學習者為考察對象,於初級日語會話課進行口語測驗,並製作了可以促進日語學習者反思之自我評量表。本稿冀藉由自我評量表之分析,來了解日語學習者口語技能之特徵,並考察學習者自我評量表之意見內容會有哪些改變。。 Japanese language teachers often use a teacher-directed approach to student performance assessment, using the scores of students’ exam to assess the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as the students’ learning abilities. In recent years, however, many Japanese language teachers have started to adopt a learner-directed approach to student assessment, using instead students’ self-assessment to understand how well a student is learning. This study uses as its subjects students from the Department of Japanese Language and Literature who are taking basic Japanese. For each semester, students took oral exams in their Basic Japanese Conversation class, and at the end of the semester they were asked to fill up a self-assessment form to help them reflect on the learning process. This study aims to analyze the completed self-assessment forms to understand some of the features of the oral skills of Japanese learners, and at the same time examine the differences in the responses to the self-assessment forms between the two semesters of the school year.
起訖頁 30-52
關鍵詞 教師主導型學習者主導型評量方式自我評量口語測驗teacher-directed approachlearner-directed approachassessment methodsself-assessmentoral exams
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201509 (45期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 『日語聽力學習策略量表』之擴大檢驗及調查結果分析——以台灣日文系學習者為對象
該期刊-下一篇 「請求用語」之中日對照研究──以較慎重的請求信函為例




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