中文摘要 |
The article described the nursing experience of caring a Japanese woman who was an assistant professor diagnosed with multiple liver and bone metastasis from breast cancer. The period of nursing care was from November 3 to November 9, 2016. The author used Gordon's 11 functional health patterns as the assessment framework and collected data through observation, physical assessment, and conversations. The health problems included ineffective breathing pattern, chronic pain, and readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being. We used medications and non-medical therapies to improve the patient's pain and dyspnea. In addition, we adopted the techniques of listening, empathy, accompaniment and active care to establish a good nurse-patient relationship, and encouraged the patient to express her feelings, and helped the patient realize her wish to finish the last class this semester and her post-mortem plans. We utilized team-work and community resources to help the patient have her wish came true at her terminal stage. These experiences can be shared as a reference for caring patients from different cultures and enhancing the quality of hospice care. |