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Happiness: A Concept Analysis
作者 吳莉芬 (Li-Fen Wu)張乃文 (Nai-Wen Chang)潘雪幸 (Hsueh-Hsing Pan)
幸福感是指個體情緒呈現正向感受,整體由內而外達到和諧狀態,當人類的需求被滿足後,就會增加幸福感進而提升整體生活滿意度,而幸福感更是人類生存及達到生命意義最重要的目標。國內外許多文獻皆與倫理、政治及經濟等相關之幸福感,至今仍缺乏對幸福感做有系統之概念分析,因此,本文運用Walker及Avant(2011)所描述概念分析的方式,統整相關文獻,確立「幸福感」之定義性特徵,透過列舉典型案例、邊緣案例及相反案例,以釐清概念、確認幸福感發生之前置因子與後果,進一步提供護理人員對幸福感概念的瞭解,應用於臨床實務,協助個案達到身心療癒的安適狀態。 In the traditional Chinese culture, happiness is a state of harmony, which means that human beings have a positive emotion from individuals to a group. From the cradle to the grave, the sole meaning of life of mankind is to pursue happiness, which enhances life satisfaction and the value of existence. Recently, despite the fact that a great number of literatures investigating the meaning of happiness in terms of ethics, politics, and economics, no study comprehensively discussed and elucidated the concept of happiness through an evidence-based and systemic approach. We utilized the concept analysis model proposed by Walker and Avant (2011), which was a method for investigating causes and effects of happiness. It has already been investigated for years and implemented mainly through gathering associated articles, and comparing the characteristics of typical, unique, and opposite cases regarding happiness. Overall, our review help propose an educational program for nursing staff to understand the importance of happiness and its future application.
起訖頁 533-541
關鍵詞 幸福感滿意度概念分析happinesssatisfactionconcept
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201812 (29:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 社區高齡者參與志願服務動機、社會支持及生活滿意度
該期刊-下一篇 降低早產兒裝置鼻式連續性氣道正壓呼吸器導致鼻黏膜出血之專案




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