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Return, Delay, and Boundary Making: Exchange, Social Reproduction, and the Practice of Duolocal Post-Marital Residence among Rural Societies in East Hui'an, Fujian
作者 簡美玲
婚後雙居意指,婚後的婦女生育子嗣前,多住在原生家庭。對人類社會,這是相對少見的婚後居習俗。但直到二十世紀晚期,婚後雙居仍可見於中國西南和東南的部分族群社會。環繞婚後雙居習俗,1990年代初,福建惠安東部人類學研究開始之際,李亦園老師就積極投入。李老師出生成長於泉州,惠東研究或亦可算是一趟遊子返鄉的心靈之旅。做為老師的學生,在這篇文章,我以受到老師學術啟蒙,初初開展婚後雙居研究的惠東民族誌田野描述與分析為主。本文指出1990年代晚期惠東人的婚儀,涉及縱向的父系氏族傳承和橫向的姻親聯通兩種社會關係。這雙重社會關係的維繫和延續,正是社會再生產的關鍵所在。本文記錄並闡述環繞婚儀相關行為細節,包含「小重行」、「大重行」,有如以社會劇碼的搬演,創造與想像不住家婦女在通婚村落重復往返的現象。誠然本文前提是社會再生產的必須和必然性。然而,惠東不住家的婚後雙居現象,也還涉及社會體系如何形成,是區與他區的分野。其存在因素,變與不變的關鍵。本文雖未涉及前述議題,但蔣炳釗(1989)與李亦園老師(1997),都已提出討論。本文主要闡述惠東親屬、婚姻與性別的獨特意義。由較細微的村落民族誌路徑,探索新娘處於娘家和夫家之間的身份界定、轉變與歸屬,如何通過交換儀式,建構社會整體之特性與價值。這也是本文承先啟後,在惠東研究,已完成與有所突破處。 The practice of duolocal post-marital residence means that a married woman will stay with her natal family until her first child is born. Such a custom is relatively unusual for human societies, but it was common among minority peoples in Southwest China and in some rural areas in Southeast China until the late twentieth century. In the early 1990s, there was a research team which aimed to explore this custom in eastern Hui'an. My mentor, Professor Li Yih-yuan was one of the pioneer scholars who was deeply engaged in this research. Inspired by their academic commitment, I started my ethnographic journey on study the anthropology of kinship, marriage and duolocal post-marital residence two decades ago, and have continued till now. This paper is the result of my field work study in rural Hui'an in the summer of 1997. From the description and interpretation of the cultural contents of gift exchange and ritual practice during the wedding ceremony, this paper proposes that there are two layers of social relations: one is the patrilineal relations and the other is the affinal relations. The people maintain and continue these two sets of relations for the value of social reproduction. In this paper, I focus on providing ethnographic data about the details of the gift exchange, wedding ceremony and the ritual practices which present the ethos of duolocal post-marital residence through the cultural foci of "return", "delay" and "boundary making."
起訖頁 95-122
關鍵詞 交換婚姻婚後雙居社會再生產福建惠安中國東南ExchangeMarriageDuolocal Post-Marital ResidenceSocial ReproductionEast Hui'anFujianSoutheast China
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 201812 (16:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 縱橫古今論傳說:李亦園院士的「神話與傳說」研究之回顧
該期刊-下一篇 「清香風味」作為研究主題:李亦園院士致力督促之身體感的研究取徑




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