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A Project to Improve Inpatients Referral to a Smoking Cessation Program
作者 林孟樺陳建皓陳惠蘭林雅萍 (Ya-Ping-Lin)方淑華王淑貞 (Shu-Chen Wang)鍾惠君
住院戒菸轉介的環境及機會可以提升病人戒菸轉介的意願。本院自2012年3月配合推動住院病人戒菸轉介服務,本單位為內科病房,卻沒有住院戒菸轉介成功案例,故引發動機,目標為住院病人戒菸轉介率提升至40%,專案期間從2013年12月10日至2014年4月15日,執行改善措施包含:利用「菸害人型立圖」卡通人物代言宣導、重新規劃「菸害防治護理指導單張」擺放位置、設計「住院病人戒菸轉介指引」、規劃「戒菸轉介技巧達人班」執行後,住院病人轉介率提升至78.6%。此改善專案讓護理人員在短時間內,快速評估病人戒菸轉介意願及進行戒菸衛教,成功經驗展現護理專業,可提供給致力於菸害防治及健康促進議題的先進們參考。 The readily accessible environment and opportunity for smoking cessation referral during hospitalization can improve patients’ willingness to enroll in the program. In cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, our hospital has been promoting the smoking cessation referral service since March 2012. As a medical ward, our unit had no record of any successful referral, which prompted the initiation of this project. The goal of the project was to boost the rate of inpatient referral to a smoking cessation program to 40%. The project, which lasted from December 10, 2013 to April 15, 2014, implemented the following measures: Advocate the smoking cessation referral with cartoon characters, re-plan the placement of nursing instruction poster on tobacco hazard and prevention, design smoking cessation referral guide for inpatient, and plan classes on smoking cessation referral. After the measures were implemented, the referral rate improved up to 78.6%. This improvement project allowed the nursing staff to rapidly assess in a short period of time the inpatients’ willingness to participate in the referral program and to receive health education on smoking cessation. The success of this project fully demonstrated the professionalism of the nursing staff, and can serve as a reference for our colleagues involved in tobacco hazard prevention and health promotion. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2019; 18:1, 77-89)
起訖頁 77-89
關鍵詞 戒菸轉介戒菸住院病人smoking cessation referralsmoking cessationinpatients
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201902 (18:1期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 以平衡計分卡的觀點探討團隊績效與護理領導型態之關聯
該期刊-下一篇 提升某醫院肺癌末期病人安寧療護涵蓋率




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