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Does Dark Night Bring Dawn? New Interpretations and Enlightenments Inspired by the Discovery of Different Versions of Chen Yingzhen’s “Eternal Earth”
作者 張立本
本文指出〈永恒的大地〉有結局迥異的兩個版本。在嘗試詮釋初刊版時,作者參照過往研究發現,主要源於當前陳映真研究方法的內在決定性限制,衍生了多層次的閱讀錯位。相對於長期以1979年的改動版解釋1960年代陳映真思想而無疑的研究現況,作者主張重讀初刊版,目的不僅在於重新認識〈永恒的大地〉,也在於重新認識1960年代寫作當時陳映真政治思索的可能性與思想狀態。作者也建議以跟著思想者行走於歷史的心情,體會陳映真如何感受與回應現實,以使版本差異的議題能豐富陳映真思想圖像的討論。 The essay points out that there are two versions of Chen Yingzhen’s short story “Eternal Earth,” with very different endings. While attempting an analysis of the earlier version by referring to previous critical literature, it finds that the existing Chen Yingzhen studies in general is not only unaware of the differences between the two versions but highly limited by its research method, resulting in several levels of misunderstandings. In contrast, this essay goes back to the early version for a close reading of the story’s original design so that Chen’s political thinking in the mid-1960s (when the original version was penned) could be examined more accurately. In the end, the essay suggests that critics should continue to pay attention to this issue of the different versions of Chen’s works so that we could understand better how Chen experienced and reacted to the political reality at different historical junctures, as well as to expand the scope of issues that could be covered by critical studies of such a significant author.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 陳映真〈永恒的大地〉文學與思想政治歷史Chen YingzhenEternal Earthliterature and thoughtpoliticshistory
刊名 台灣社會研究季刊  
期數 201712 (108期)
出版單位 台灣社會研究季刊社
該期刊-下一篇 拒絕「翻譯」:李國修的「風屏劇團」




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