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A Rediscovery of Salviata shiroi Hayata (Lamiaceae) from Taiwan
作者 謝宗欣 (Tsung-Hsin Hsieh)江柏毅 (Po-Yi Chiang)謝春萬 (Chun-Wan Hsien)葉慶龍 (Ching-Long Yeh)陳建文 (Chien-Wen Chen)
田代氏鼠尾草(Salvia tashiroi Hayata)爲唇形科鼠尾草屬植物,日人田代氏1896年採於屏東縣恆春,此標本並被早田文藏於1919年發表爲新種,此後未有任何採集紀錄;第二版《台灣植物誌》將其列爲未確定種,而在《中國植物志》將其合併爲華鼠尾草之異名。最近於高雄縣六龜鄉十八羅漢山採集到本種,生長於溪谷旁陡坡之開闊地上。本種有單葉和三出複葉兩種形態,此特徵可與台灣本屬其他植物區別。本種與產於中國大陸之華鼠尾草在花部構造和花色上均可區別,應視爲不同的物種。本文描述其分類特徵、生育地和分布,其爲6溝花粉,表面具2層網狀紋飾,並首次報導本種爲二倍體,染色體數目2n=2x=16。
In 1896 a single specimen of Lamiaceae was collected by M. Toshiro from Hengchun in the southern Taiwan. A decade later it was described as Salvia plectranthoides Griff by Matsumura and Hayata in 1906, but redescribed as a new species Salvia tashiroi by Hayata in 1919. For a century, this species has been known only from a single specimen (holotype), and treated as a questionable or uncertaion taxa in the flora of Taiwan, or as a synonym of Salvia chinensis Benth. in the flora of China. In our recent plant inventory survey of Taiwan, we rediscovered its wild populations at Mt. Shih-Pa-Lo-Han, Kaohsiung County in the southern Taiwan. This paper confirms the taxonomic status of Salvia tashiroi and provides it with a detailed redescription with color photographs, pollen SEM microphotographs, chromosome number (2n=16), and distribution in Taiwan.
起訖頁 73-82
關鍵詞 田代氏鼠尾草唇形科分類學台灣Salvia tashiroiLamiaceaetaxonomyTaiwan
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201001 (12:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 清潔劑應用在動物DNA遺傳物質的保存
該期刊-下一篇 台灣島上淡水沼蝦屬分布與其生物地理起源之關係




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