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Practical Experiences of Gay Recreational Drugs Anonymous Harm Reduction Groups
作者 李珈旻孫可書徐森杰
Gays who use recreational drugs often suffer from double stigma and stress compared to non-gay drug users. According to the authors' observation in practice, the drugs used by Taiwanese gays in recent years are shifting to meth-amphetamines (crystal meth), GHB and Ketamine. This article is based on the observation from our experiences of 30 recreational drug harm reduction group sessions (5 series) during 2016. The total number of participants is 16 and 8 of them had a stable attendance in at least one series. We have observed that a setting which invokes a sense of security for narratives can decrease the stress of members who have problems with drugs. But the pre-group individual interview is necessary to tell whether or not one's mental state is stable enough for the group. The sense of guilt is an important topic that appears every now and then in the group process and symbolizes the complex relationship between members and their stories with drugs, sex, and HIV. In addition, the groups were based on harm reduction perspective and aimed to help members from giving up their efforts due to the strong guilt of relapse. Finally, gays who use drugs have their unique cultural context. Group leaders are urged to examine constantly their attitudes toward and values on sexual diversity and drug use.
起訖頁 91-105
關鍵詞 減少傷害藥愛藥物濫用男同志/男男性行為harm reductionchemsexsubstance abusegays/MSM
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 201806 (34期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 「男同志的成長與藥/愛的糾結」回應文
該期刊-下一篇 「男同志藥癮減少傷害團體之實踐經驗」回應文




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