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The Historical Trajectory of Avant-garde Literature: A Study of the Western Origin and Local Practice of Postmodern Fiction in Taiwan
作者 林運鴻
With its arrival in the 1980s, Taiwan postmodern fiction has shown a variety of features and become one of the major aspects of our local postmodern culture. This article aims to trace the early origin of postmodernism in the West and sketches out the social aspects of postmodern culture in the contemporary world of highly industrialization, globalization and informationalization. In the local context, it is apparent that aside from the social changes brought forth by global capitalism, the postmodern culture in Taiwan is actually a legacy of the long-term colonial history. In addition to describing its socio-historical background, this article also aims to define the four major genres of Taiwan postmodern fictions as well as their major formal features. This article argues that despite its Western characteristics, postmodernism, after being transplanted into the local context, has been imbued with local colors and meanwhile inscribed with its trajectory of capitalistic modernity and multiple colonial histories.
起訖頁 85-126
關鍵詞 後現代主義台灣後現代小說台灣文學跨國資本主義後殖民主義postmodernismTaiwan postmodern fictionTaiwan literaturetransnational capitalismpostcolonialism contribution to the fusion of literary comments and Zhang-zi’s thoughts
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 文道重構‧摭意必深‧聲韻之美──孫樵文章的藝術創變及其理論觀念
該期刊-下一篇 東晉孫盛《魏氏春秋》之王族歷史敘述




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