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The Rebellion of Jiang Xiang and the Operation to Restore Order in Shanxi (1648-1661)
作者 張繼瑩
During the period of Ming-Qing transition, the Qing government faced large-scale anti-Qing movements everywhere. A former Ming General of Datong, Jiang Xiang rallied anti-Qing activists in 1648. He led former Ming garrisons and appealed to people in Shanxi who tried to restore the Ming dynasty. However, the historical resources in Ming-Qing transition were almost all destroyed by war and limited by censorship. It is important to distinguish discourse context and uncover the hidden facts while reconstructing the progress of Jiang Xiang's rebellion. In this study, I analyze archives, local records, and biography to rethink three facets of the rebellion. The first issue was the change of political environment and personal influence in this transitional period. Second, the surrender of Jiang Xiang contending with a new regime. Third, drawing on studies about this rebellion, I rethink its causes and process. Beginning from these three levels of discussion, I try to think further about the question of social reorganization. After the rebellion, the Qing government investigated all suspects to neutralize any possibility of anti-Qing movements. Even though not everyone who joined the anti-Qing movements had political purposes, the Qing government successfully built the new order by constant investigation and interrogation.
起訖頁 103-138
關鍵詞 明清鼎革姜瓖山西大同反清復明Ming-Qing transitionJiang XiangShanxi DatongOppose Qing and restore Ming
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201812 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 《南齊書‧百官志‧序》所見中古職官文獻與官制史的意義
該期刊-下一篇 從人文主義史學到哲學的歷史──吉朋歷史書寫的近世歐洲史學脈絡




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