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Physical Activity and the Aging Brain: A Review of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies
作者 陳豐慈 (Fen-Tzu Chen)黃植懋王俊智 (Chun-Chih Wang)張育愷 (Yu-Kai Chang)
本回顧之目的係以靜息態與作業相關功能性磁共振造影取向探討身體活動對老年大腦功能之影 響,其中並以橫斷式與縱貫式研究取向,將身體活動分為心肺功能/有氧訓練、太極拳、阻力健身 運動、協調訓練、身體活動量,及認知性身體活動等探討其在老化大腦功能之效益。靜息態功能 性磁共振造影取向之結果發現,透過心肺適能與有氧訓練與增進老年人大腦功能間有其正向關 聯;該正面效益亦發現在針對高齡者的太極拳運動上,然研究對於阻力健身運動之結果仍需更多 研究進一步釐清。作業相關功能性磁共振造影取向之結果則發現,心肺適能與協調訓練皆對老年 人大腦功能亦有正面影響。此外,高身體活動量對一般老年或高風險失智者之大腦功能皆有其效 益。另外,透過認知性身體活動介入可對老年人之大腦處理效率有正面影響。整體而言,過去研 究已為身體活動與老化大腦功能間之正向關聯提供科學實證基礎,本回顧結果可能提供台灣社會 針對老年族群改善大腦功能之身體活動處方。
In this article, we review recent findings of the effects of physical activities on the aging brain and cognitive functions, focusing on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results, including resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI) and task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (TB-fMRI). Moreover, the present articles explored both cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies that examined the brain function alterations induced by physical activity training, which included cardiovascular fitness/aerobic exercise training, Tai Chi training, resistance exercise/weight training, and coordination exercise training, using measured amounts of physical activity as assessment criteria, and taking into account cognitive-related physical activity responses. Results of these RS-fMRI studies showed that older adults that engaged in cardiovascular fitness and aerobic training showed evidence of increasing brain functions. Furthermore, these positive effects also extended to older adults engaging in Tai Chi training. Also, a few studies focused on resistance exercise training; however, the results of these investigations remain inconsistence and thus will require further confirmation in the future. Results of the TB-fMRI studies indicated that older adults with higher levels of cardiovascular fitness or those engaged in cardiovascular fitness training combined with coordination training, have gained beneficial effects regarding brain functions. Specifically, the positive effects of cardiovascular fitness could be found in both normal and pathological aging populations, including older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Older adults with higher amounts of physical activity benefited in their brain functions more than older cognitively intact adults, or those with a high risk for dementia. Collectively, the results of previous studies established an experimental basis for assessing positive relationships between physical activities and brain functions, revealing that physical activity approaches might induce different improved brain functions. The consequence of these reviews provides physical activity prescriptions and exercise models relevant to improving brain functions for older populations in the society of Taiwan.
起訖頁 363-388
關鍵詞 身體活動執行功能認知老化磁共振造影Cognitive agingExecutive functionMagnetic reasoning imagingPhysical activity
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 201812 (50:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 緣的特性及其對生涯發展的影響




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