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高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Study on the Effect of Task-Based Teaching Method in Japanese Teaching
作者 柴田智子蔡慧音羅麗珍羅希哲
本研究立基於任務型教學法,以自編的日本飲食文化教材應用於日語教學,旨在 探究課程的實踐和學習成效之影響。本研究以高雄地區日語補習班的學生為對象。以 行動研究法作為探討教學歷程和實務改進的方法,資料蒐集以問卷調查、省思札記和 學習回饋單、口說能力測驗,分析課程的實踐與成效。獲得的重要結論為:1.學習策 略中,以飲食文化為題的日語學習、聽力練習、配對發表、實作體驗更為學生接受; 2.實施任務型日語教學會受到學習型態轉變、參與程度、經驗背景、使用母語、口語 精確性、資訊應用等因素的影響;3.任務型日語教學能提升學習者的日語口說能力; 4. 學習者對任務型日語教學持正向肯定的意見。最後,提出建議作為未來相關研究之 參考。
This study aims to explore the effect on the course implementation and learning based on the self-developed teaching materials of Japanese food and culture and task-based instruction. Research subjects are students of Japanese tutoring centers in Kaohsiung. This study adopts action research as the method to explore the instructional process and practical improvement. All data were collected by the questionnaire survey, reflective journal, learning feedback, and oral competence test for analyzing the course practice and learning outcome. The findings of the study reveal that (1) During the learning, students are more likely to accept the language learning, listening practice, pair presentation, and practical experience of Japanese food and culture; (2) the practice of task-based Japanese instruction is influenced by such factors as change of learning style, degree of participation, experience and background, mother tongue, oral fluency, and information application; (3) task-based Japanese instruction can reinforce learners' Japanese oral competence; and (4) learners are positive towards employing the task-based Japanese instruction. Finally, some suggestions are proposed as references for the future study.
起訖頁 091-120
關鍵詞 日本飲食文化日語教學任務型教學行動研究Action researchJapanese food and cultureJapanese language instructiontask-based instruction
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201812 (45期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 寇或帝?李自成在兩岸社會領域教科書的形象呈現及其意識形態分析
該期刊-下一篇 取徑SECI模式實踐美感教育之研究一以視覺藝術教學為例




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