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“Kou”(Bandit) or Emperor?: The Images of Li Zicheng in Cross-Strait Textbooks
作者 劉世閔 (Shih-Min Liu)
明朝末年,由於饑荒與缺餉,陝西省米脂縣被解職的小驛卒李自成如何稱^闖王」 到建立大順王朝,讓明思宗崇禎自縊於煤山,但這短命王朝僅42天,卻也間接讓清 朝打開山海關,締造了進軍入主中國大陸機會,本研究旨在從兩岸教科書對同一位歷 史人物的書寫,來分析被海峽分隔的兩岸教科書如何解讀李自成?兩岸的教科書中, 他究竟是寇還是帝?本研究試圖以NVivo 12 Plus協助分析兩岸不同社會領域版本教 科書有關這位歷史人物角色的描述。本研究結果顯示臺灣教科書多視他為寇,而大陸 的教科書書寫則褒多於貶。
During the late Ming Dynasty, Li Zi-Cheng, born in Mizhi County, Shaanxi province, was a dismissed postman Li who joined a rebel army. Later he became a rebel leader and led starving and unemployed soldiers to overthrow the Ming Dynasty in 1644. He proclaimed himself the Emperor of the short-lived Da-Shun Dynasty lasting 42 days only. In April 1644, Li’s rebels sacked the Ming capital of Beijing and forced Emperor Chongzhen to commit suicide. Shanhaiguan was opened because of him and hence created a chance for Qing Dynasty to reign over the mainland China. The purpose of this study is to analyze the textbooks on both sides of the Taiwan Strait based on the writing of the same historical figure. In history textbooks between mainland China and Taiwan, is he depicted as a “Kou” (someone like a bandit who wants to overthrow the regime to usurp the throne) or an Emperor? The purpose of this study adopted NVivo 12 Plus to explore the characterizations of this person from different versions of these textbooks. The results of this study showed that Taiwanese textbooks regard him as a bandit, while mainland China’s textbooks are more complimentary than derogatory.
起訖頁 065-090
關鍵詞 大順王朝李自成流寇教科書分析質性研究Li Zi-ChengNVivo 12 Plustextbook analysisKou (bandit)Da-Shun Dynasty
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201812 (45期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
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該期刊-下一篇 任務型教學法在曰語教學之成效研究




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