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Demand and Obstacles of the Professional Development of Social Workers in Patients Organizations
作者 侯建州 (Chien-Chou Hou)郭慈安
由於社會對健康的重視日增,病友組織對於病友與家屬的照顧功能獲得關 注,其中社會工作人員在病友組織中扮演重要的功能,故本研究目的欲探究病 友組織社會工作人員的專業服務之需求與困境。本研究採取質化研究方法,透 過北、中、南共五場焦點團體(共25位受訪者)來蒐集資料。本研究發現,病 友組織社會工作人員服務的資源需求,包含組織内部的病友組織的行政及專業 支持,外部資源需求則為醫療網絡支持及福利制度資源。至於病友組織社會工 作人員專業服務介入的需求及困境則為:一、組織結構面:社會工作專業人力 不足;二、服務過程面:社會工作人員的教育訓練、專業督導、服務輸送上系 統性較低;三、專業角色面:常依賴病友志工,且恐面臨病友組織對社會工作 人員的期待有落差。依上,本研究建議如下:建議政府編列目前法定福利服務 之外對於重大疾病病友組織之方案委託經費予病友組織、建議專業團體社群規 劃病友組織社會工作人員培訓,並建構病友組織社會工作服務模式,且建議病 友組織調整其對於社會工作非專業之期待。
Since society is paying more attention on health, the care functions of patients’ organizations for patients and their relatives are being valued even greater. Social workers play critical roles in patients’ organizations, and thus this study explores the demand and obstacles of the professional service of social workers in patients’ organizations. It adopts a qualitative research method and collects data from five focus groups (including 25 subjects) in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. According to the findings, the resource demand for social workers’ service includes internal administrative and professional support in patients’ organizations and doctor-patient network support and welfare system as external resources. The demand and obstacles for social workers’ professional service intervention in patients’ organizations are the following. Organizational structure: a lack of professional social manpower; service process: insufficient systematic social workers’ educational training, professional supervision, and service delivery; professional role: they tend to rely on patient volunteers, and there can be an expectation gap of patients’ organizations on social workers. Based on the above, this study suggests the following. The government can budget for programs on patients’ organizations of serious diseases beyond present legal welfare service, professional groups can plan social workers’ training for patients’ organizations and construct a social work service model in patients’ organizations, and patients’ organizations can reflect on their nonprofessional expectations on social work.
起訖頁 001-023
關鍵詞 病友組織社會工作人員專業發展社會照顧patients' organizationssocial workerprofessional developmentsocial caremedical social work
刊名 人文社會科學研究  
期數 201812 (12:4期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-下一篇 長期照顧服務使用者之需求分析:以屏東縣為例




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