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The application of dramatherapy in grief counseling ─An example of a youth’s life experience from new immigrant family
作者 張志豪
希臘神話中普羅米修斯的故事啟發人性中具有「有限性」、「開創性」、「自主性」的三個特性。本研究以敘事研究為研究方法,呈現戲劇治療協助一位新移民家庭青年進行悲傷輔導的歷程中,當事人回看自我弱勢社會處境與喪父創傷經驗的「有限性」,並透過戲劇創作的歷程,重新轉化其受創的視框找回生命的「開創性」,最後,在當事人長期參與戲劇治療方案活動與青年培育計畫中,使當事人有動力回到生活世界中鍛鍊其「自主性」,找到面對家庭與喪親的新意義。研究發現戲劇治療在悲傷輔導工作中,透過戲劇媒介能協助當事人營造足夠的心理距離,使當事人產生安全感與勇氣去面對自己過往的創傷,進而能在戲劇的舞台上,嘗試超越現實經驗的行動探索,修復生命中的創傷與遺憾。最後,在戲劇治療長期方案中,透過工作者致力拓展治療關係與界線,使當事人與工作者形成非正式的社會支持網絡,發揮當事人在現實生活長出生命的復原力。 Prometheus’s story in Greek Mythology provides an insight that there are three characteristics in humanity which are limitation, innovation and autonomy. The method to carry out this study was using narrative research to demonstrate how to use dramatherapy in grief counseling to help a youth, who is from a new immigrant family. During the process, the youth realized the disadvantages in social situation and the limitations in his trauma of bereavement in retrospect. Then, as creating drama, the youth changed the way he saw his trauma and found the innovation of his life. Finally, the youth had been motivated to enhance his autonomy in the daily life and found the new meaning of confronting the family and his bereavement. Research found that using dramatherapy in grief counseling made the case feel the safety and courageous to face traumas in a sufficient psychological distance through theatrical materials and thus on the stage, the case would to try to explore some new possibilities, which were not allow edin the reality, and heal traumas and regrets in life. Ultimately, with the long-term dramatherapy project, the case and the apist form an unofficial social support network in terms of the therapist’s efforts to extent therapeutic relationship and boundary between case and therapist. Hence, this unofficial social support network and therapeutic relationship accompanies cases to develop their resilience of life in the reality.
Prometheus’s story in Greek Mythology provides an insight that there are three characteristics in humanity which are limitation, innovation and autonomy. The method to carry out this study was using narrative research to demonstrate how to use dramatherapy in grief counseling to help a youth, who is from a new immigrant family. During the process, the youth realized the disadvantages in social situation and the limitations in his trauma of bereavement in retrospect. Then, as creating drama, the youth changed the way he saw his trauma and found the innovation of his life. Finally, the youth had been motivated to enhance his autonomy in the daily life and found the new meaning of confronting the family and his bereavement. Research found that using dramatherapy in grief counseling made the case feel the safety and courageous to face traumas in a sufficient psychological distance through theatrical materials and thus on the stage, the case would to try to explore some new possibilities, which were not allow edin the reality, and heal traumas and regrets in life. Ultimately, with the long-term dramatherapy project, the case and the apist form an unofficial social support network in terms of the therapist’s efforts to extent therapeutic relationship and boundary between case and therapist. Hence, this unofficial social support network and therapeutic relationship accompanies cases to develop their resilience of life in the reality.
起訖頁 29-52
關鍵詞 戲劇治療悲傷輔導新移民家庭復原力dramatherapygrief counselingnew immigrant familyresilience
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201807 (15期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 準大一生修讀大學夏季橋接課程對日後學習成效影響之初探
該期刊-下一篇 β-CD-AITC抗菌微粒製備條件的探討




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