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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Cause of and Solution to the Food Safety Problems -- A Case Study of the Farmed Chicken Market in Taiwan |
作者 |
秦銘璟、洪維廷 |
中文摘要 |
The goal of this paper is to develop an understanding of how contract design in the presence of asymmetric information can influence price level, quantity, and quality. This paper shows what optimal incentive contracts require as adverse selection and/or moral hazard occur, and further solves some related food safety problems.
The theoretical model setting is based on Taiwan farmed chicken market. The results show that the high quality farmer receives a quality premium on forward contracts, whereas the low quality farmer receives a forward contract price that is lower than the expected spot price due to quality. In addition, when both type farmers are risk averse, under the optimal incentive contracts offered by the processing firm, the high and the low quality farmers supply their total production to the forward contract market. However, when the farmers are risk-neutral, the low quality farmers can bear all the risks. They are indifferent to supply between forward contracts and spot markets. Since the high quality still are fully hedged because of quality pricing in forward contracts, only low quality meat is traded in the spot market. |
英文摘要 |
The goal of this paper is to develop an understanding of how contract design in the presence of asymmetric information can influence price level, quantity, and quality. This paper shows what optimal incentive contracts require as adverse selection and/or moral hazard occur, and further solves some related food safety problems.
The theoretical model setting is based on Taiwan farmed chicken market. The results show that the high quality farmer receives a quality premium on forward contracts, whereas the low quality farmer receives a forward contract price that is lower than the expected spot price due to quality. In addition, when both type farmers are risk averse, under the optimal incentive contracts offered by the processing firm, the high and the low quality farmers supply their total production to the forward contract market. However, when the farmers are risk-neutral, the low quality farmers can bear all the risks. They are indifferent to supply between forward contracts and spot markets. Since the high quality still are fully hedged because of quality pricing in forward contracts, only low quality meat is traded in the spot market.
起訖頁 |
25-56 |
關鍵詞 |
食安問題、訊息不對稱、現貨市場、契約交易、肉雞市場、Food safety problem、Asymmetric information、Spot market、Contract transaction、Farmed chicken market |
刊名 |
農業經濟叢刊 |
期數 |
201806 (24:1期) |
出版單位 |
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消費者調查缺失資料修補所形成之分配形變 |
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從遊客觀點探討環境教育、滿意度與重遊意願之關係──以台北植物園為例 |