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An Investigation of the Associations Among Professional Tasks, Document Genres and Document Assessments in the Context of University Teaching
作者 古敏君
本研究旨在探索以下三種關聯之存在與內涵:(1)大學教師用以支援其教學之文體與運用這些文體來執行之任務之關聯;(2)這些文體及教師評鑑這些文體之標準之關聯;(3)其任務與標準之關聯。作者先採用質性引文分析,從教材(包含課程大綱與教學投影片等)裡分析出教師使用之文體,再採用半結構式訪談來搜集有關教師如何評鑑與使用不同文體之資料,最後以質性內容分析來分析訪談稿。共有27位來自不同領域之教師參與研究,貢獻了28門課。研究結果顯示教師採用之評鑑標準橋接了其所使用之文體與任務,任務則決定了哪些文體會被使用或會被排除在外,任務也決定了在教師執行特定任務時文體的哪些資訊特質是很重要的。 This study investigated the following three associations in the university teaching context: (1) between genres of the documents faculty used to support their teaching and the tasks they performed to use these genres; (2) between these genres and the criteria they employed to assess these genres; and (3) between their tasks and criteria. The author first employed qualitative citation analysis to identify the genres faculty used based on citations in their teaching materials (e.g., syllabi and lecture slides). Semi-structured interviews were then implemented to explore how they assessed and used different genres. A total number of 27 faculty from different disciplines contributed 28 courses. Qualitative content analysis was employed to analyze interview transcripts. The results indicate the criteria faculty employed served as function enablers that bridged genres and tasks. The tasks they performed served as the inclusion and exclusion criteria that determined what genres were used or not. Tasks determined the information characteristics of genres that mattered in faculty's task performance.
This study investigated the following three associations in the university teaching context: (1) between genres of the documents faculty used to support their teaching and the tasks they performed to use these genres; (2) between these genres and the criteria they employed to assess these genres; and (3) between their tasks and criteria. The author first employed qualitative citation analysis to identify the genres faculty used based on citations in their teaching materials (e.g., syllabi and lecture slides). Semi-structured interviews were then implemented to explore how they assessed and used different genres. A total number of 27 faculty from different disciplines contributed 28 courses. Qualitative content analysis was employed to analyze interview transcripts. The results indicate the criteria faculty employed served as function enablers that bridged genres and tasks. The tasks they performed served as the inclusion and exclusion criteria that determined what genres were used or not. Tasks determined the information characteristics of genres that mattered in faculty's task performance.
起訖頁 25-61
關鍵詞 文體文體集任務分析資訊使用文件評鑑Document GenresGenre RepertoiresTask AnalysisInformation UseDocument Assessments
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201812 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 數位人文的領域分析:以2009-2016臺灣國際會議論文為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣知識管理系統服務廠商之產品價值主張研究──以某個案公司為例




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