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Investigating Digital Humanities: A Domain Analysis of Conference Proceedings Published in Taiwan, 2009-2016
作者 李鶴立王申罡
本研究對數位人文領域中的一組論文進行分析。過去類似的研究,均以在西方發表的論文作為對象,本文的研究對象,則是2009至2016年間,在臺灣舉辦的數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會中發表的129篇論文。研究的議題有三:(1)對這組論文的基本特質像是作者人數、代表國家地區、代表領域、常用詞彙等做描述統計;(2)將資訊生命周期分為四階段,分析數位科技對數位人文的影響在各階段的分布;(3)分析數位科技對數位人文造成的階段性影響是否因領域而不同。除了對全組論文進行分析,本研究更將數據分年檢視,探討論文的基本特質和數位科技的影響是否因時間的推進呈現一些趨勢。本研究給數位人文的領域分析,帶入一個新的視角。 The study reports on an analysis of a chosen corpus in the emergent domain of digital humanities (DH). In contrast to other studies of the DH literature that focus on publications in the west, this study examines 129 papers published in the proceedings of the International Conferences of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities that were held in Taiwan between 2009 and 2016. In all, 236 individual authors from 15 countries contributed at least one paper; 50 domains were represented. Three East Asian countries (Taiwan, China, and Japan) show a dominating presence, and top three domains (computer science, history, and Chinese) have the highest numbers of participants and highest numbers of first authors. Unlike their counterparts in the humanities, the papers in the study have a much higher percentage of collaborative works. More than half of the papers that are collaborative works are interdisciplinary, but only one-fifth involve international collaboration. Proportionally, computer scientists' participation rate decreases and humanists' rate increases, however modestly, from 2012 onward. The study also investigates digital technology's impact on DH in various stages of the information lifecycle. More than two-thirds of the papers discuss technology's impact in the area of consuming data from digital collections for various purposes, with the impact on building retrieval systems/online platforms coming in second at 26.6%. Among different years, the first year is exceptional in showing high interest in the impact on building digital collections, building knowledge organization systems, and building retrieval systems but low interest in the impact on data consumption. Humanists in general are more attentive to the impact on consumption than technologists, while the latter lean toward the impact on building retrieval systems. Without any claim to comprehensiveness or representativeness, the study provides a snapshot of the DH literary output.
The study reports on an analysis of a chosen corpus in the emergent domain of digital humanities (DH). In contrast to other studies of the DH literature that focus on publications in the west, this study examines 129 papers published in the proceedings of the International Conferences of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities that were held in Taiwan between 2009 and 2016. In all, 236 individual authors from 15 countries contributed at least one paper; 50 domains were represented. Three East Asian countries (Taiwan, China, and Japan) show a dominating presence, and top three domains (computer science, history, and Chinese) have the highest numbers of participants and highest numbers of first authors. Unlike their counterparts in the humanities, the papers in the study have a much higher percentage of collaborative works. More than half of the papers that are collaborative works are interdisciplinary, but only one-fifth involve international collaboration. Proportionally, computer scientists' participation rate decreases and humanists' rate increases, however modestly, from 2012 onward. The study also investigates digital technology's impact on DH in various stages of the information lifecycle. More than two-thirds of the papers discuss technology's impact in the area of consuming data from digital collections for various purposes, with the impact on building retrieval systems/online platforms coming in second at 26.6%. Among different years, the first year is exceptional in showing high interest in the impact on building digital collections, building knowledge organization systems, and building retrieval systems but low interest in the impact on data consumption. Humanists in general are more attentive to the impact on consumption than technologists, while the latter lean toward the impact on building retrieval systems. Without any claim to comprehensiveness or representativeness, the study provides a snapshot of the DH literary output.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 領域分析數位人文數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會Domain AnalysisDigital HumanitiesInternational Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201812 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-下一篇 大學教學情境裡專業任務、文體與文件評鑑之關聯研究




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