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A Study of the Impacts of Inmate Adjustment to Prison Life
作者 李明謹
矯正工作是法務行政重要的一環,其任務不僅對收容人施以消極的隔離監禁,更重要的是利用在監執行期間,積極對收容人進行矯正及教化,使渠等改過向善,重新復歸社會。爰此,本研究針對矯正機關受刑人進行調查,期能以實證研究,瞭解受刑人的在監適應。本研究採用文獻探討及量化統計問卷調查方式,以2013年7月31日在監受刑人為母群體,依機關屬性、受刑人數比例、性別和處遇情形等,選定問卷調查機關與抽取之施測人數計2,304人,經實際施測後,計完成有效樣本共2,238人。另使用SPSS統計軟體,採用次數分配、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾遜積差相關及迴歸分析等統計考驗比較。研究結果發現受刑人個人特性、犯罪與執行經驗、矯正處遇經驗、壓力與支持等變項影響受刑人之在監適應。個人特性、犯罪與執行經驗和矯正處遇經驗、執行期間的監禁壓力和家庭支持有關;又矯正處遇經驗、壓力與支持彼此存在關聯性,且會影響受刑人執行的心理、行為適應。此外,人際壓力感越高、環境壓力感越高、藥物依賴程度越高、越無法認同或配合戒護管理、工作穩定性越低、女性、非毒品犯、刑期越長、累進處遇級別越低、初犯年齡越低、教育程度越高的受刑人,其憂鬱傾向將越高。又入監執行期間越長、越無法認同或配合戒護管理、初犯年齡越低、人際壓力感越高、非毒品犯、累進處遇級別越高、曾使用藥物、未婚的受刑人,其在監違規行為將越多。最後,根據相關研究結果,提出建議供實務機關作為政策推動之參考。 Corrections is a primary part of legal administration. With objectives includes not only isolate inmates from the society passively, more importantly, impose treatment and rehabilitation positively during their incarceration period, allowing them to improve their behaviors and integrate into the society after discharging from prisons. Therefore, this empirical research on inmates hope to clarify the current situation about their adjustment in prison. The study employs literature review and questionnaire survey. The population is inmates in prisons under Correction Department of Ministry of Justice in Taiwan on July 31, 2013. The selected institutions and intimate samples depends on organization attributes and proportion of amounts, gender and treatment held to intimates within these prisons. The selected samples are 2,304 persons, effective samples are 2,238 persons. The SPSS statistical software is used to conduct frequency distribution, independent-sample t test, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, regression analysis, and so on. The study finds that variables about personality, commit and imprison experience, treatment receiving, pressure, and support have impact on inmate adjustment to prison life. Personality, commit and imprison experience, treatment, incarcerate pressure relate to family support, moreover, treatment, pressure, and support are correlated and influence inmates psychological and behavioral adjustment. Otherwise, the higher the interpersonal pressure, the higher the environmental pressure, the stronger the inmates depends on drug, the less they identify or cooperate with the guard and control discipline, the less stable the work they have, female, non-drug inmates, the longer sentencing, the lower level the progressive corrective treatment, the younger they initiate to commit, and the higher the educational level of them, are consistent with the higher the depression intention they have. Furthermore, the longer-term the incarceration is, the less identity or cooperation with guard and control discipline, the younger they initiate to commit crime, the higher the interpersonal pressure, non-drug inmates, the higher level the progressive corrective treatment is, experience of using drugs, unmarried inmates, are related to more irregularities they have in prisons. Finally, based upon the findings from the present study, the author provides some suggestions to the authorities when they promote related policy.
起訖頁 64-98
關鍵詞 矯正機關受刑人在監適應correctional institutionsinmatesinmate adjustment to prison life
刊名 矯政  
期數 201801 (7:1期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 暴力性侵害犯罪中止之研究
該期刊-下一篇 園藝治療與毒品收容人在監生活適應之關係——以臺北某矯正機關為例




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