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The Longitudinal Study on Parolees' Persistence/Desistance from Crime: The Impact of Informal Social Control and Situational Choices
作者 連鴻榮劉士誠謝文彥林健陽陳玉書
犯罪的持續與中止現象為發展犯罪學的重要研究議題,本研究以Sampson和Laub(1993;2003)非正式社會控制理論為基礎,針對960位假釋受刑人進行長達近11年(2004年初至2015年底)的定群追蹤調查,主要目的在觀察年齡對持續∕中止犯罪的效應,並檢驗成年非正式社會控制(如:家庭附著、婚姻附著和職業附著等)與情境選擇(如:壓力因應、生活型態和偏差友儕等)對持續與中止犯罪的影響。研究結果顯示,(1)截至2015年底,排除63位死亡樣本(占6.6%),897名存活樣本中,59.4%假釋後仍有犯罪紀錄,40.6%中止犯罪。(2)隨著年齡的增長,犯罪者持續犯罪現象逐漸下降,尤其是50歲以後,持續犯罪的風險顯著降低。(3)持續與中止犯罪二組在非正式社會控制(如:婚姻、子女數、家庭附著和職業等級)和情境選擇(如:負向因應、偏差友儕和遊樂生活)有顯著差異。(4)非正式控制與情境選擇存在顯著關聯性。(5)持續∕中止犯罪顯著影響因子為年齡、偏差友儕、婚姻狀況和家庭附著。並根據研究結果就我國發展犯罪研究和再犯預防進行討論。 The phenomena of persistence and desistance from crime are crucial issues of developmental criminology. Based on the informal social control theory by Sampson and Laub (1993; 2003), the present study selects 960 parolees to conduct as long as 11 years panel study (from early 2004 to the end of 2015). It aims at examining the impact of age, informal social control, and situational choice on persistence and desistance from crime. The results indicate that: (1) excluding 63 died samples, 59.4 % parolees after parole still have a criminal record and the other 40.6% desist from crime among 897 survival samples until the end of 2015, (2) criminals' persistent crime has been gradually decreasing with the increase of the age, especially after 50 years-old, (3) there are significant differences between desist and persistent parolees in the informal social control (such as marriage, number of kids, family bond, and occupation grade and others) and situational choices (i.e. negative response, deviant peers and leisure style), (4) significantly negative correlations exist between informal social control and situational choices, and (5) age, deviant peers, marital status, and family bond have significant impact on parolees' persistence and desistance from crime. According to research findings, suggestions for the study on developmental criminology and prevention of parolees' recidivism in Taiwan are also discussed.
起訖頁 3-30
關鍵詞 假釋受刑人持續犯罪中止犯罪非正式社會控制情境選擇ParoleePersistent CrimeDesist CrimeInformal Social ControlSituational Choice
刊名 矯政  
期數 201801 (7:1期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-下一篇 暴力性侵害犯罪中止之研究




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