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he Study of The Actual Practice of Character Education in Prisons, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice
作者 王恩先王祥安施韋廷
對於法務部矯正署推動品格教育的現況,以及未來應該持續發展的方向,是有困惑及不明白的部分,畢竟品格教育對矯正機關來說是民國100年矯正署成立後,正式推行的教化方案,其涵蓋之範圍更廣於生命教育之內在感動與接受,品格教育依美國李克納Lickona所言的內在形成過程,則包含生命教育的認知、感動,更有行動上的實現,較符合矯正機關成立之宗旨,亦符合執行刑之目的,就如同監獄行刑法第一條開宗明義所指「徒刑、拘役之執行,以使受刑人改悔向上,適於社會生活為目的。」研究方法採用SWOT分析模式,列舉三個機關比較優勢(Strength)、劣勢(Weakness)、機會(Opportunity)、威脅(Threat)之重要指標,並依此研擬利用優勢與機會效應、改進劣勢與機會效應、檢視優勢與威脅效應、消除劣勢與威脅效應,以為分析之準則與依據。本研究分析策略採用極大化(Maximize)優勢(S)與機會(O)、極小化(Minimize)劣勢(W)與威脅(T)之技巧,具體比較矯正機關辦理品格教育方案內容,包含傳統技藝漆器製作、川劇變臉,及品格教育鼓藝、戲劇演出、拍攝微電影、合唱、砂畫、街舞、原住民舞蹈等,依文獻研究出13項重要因素為分析題材。分析矯正署及各矯正機關當前品格教育之內在優劣,並依PEST環境分析政治、經濟、社會、科技四個面相的外在機會與威脅,策略分析結果可提供矯正機關辦理品格教育相關方案時之參考。基於實務上長遠發展的前瞻思維下作為,提出未來於矯正機關內辦理品格教育之建議。依研究發現提供豐沛社會資源,持續品格教育在職進修,發展高能見度之技能訓練,辦理教化藝文成果展等與品格教育正相關之作為,提昇收容人品格,共同創造國家美好的未來,賦予人民、社區更安全的生活。 The research is to analyze current character education practices in Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, The Agency of Corrections promoted Art training, Drum training, and Drama training based on character education, for enhanced inmates inner moral character. In recent years new research study of Character Education has shown the character education can play great role in assisting prisoners in their transition from prison to community. The instrument consists of four main parts. First, to listed Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Treat factors of cases about character education programs. Second, to account the SWOT profile by constructed a matrix of these factors and develop strategies. Third, to purpose the SO-strategies, improve the WO-strategies, monitor the ST-strategies, and eliminate the WT-strategies for developing strategies. After all, make up the construct strategies to shape the character education values. Analyses of content were used to detect significant difference among prisons. To maximize the SO factors, minimize the WT factors, and analyses programs in 3 factors included Knowing, Affect, and Action, which collected from recent years character education programs in prisons. The findings of this study provided in support of improving character education in correction institutes. To concluded, these results consist of Columns of Journal Justice and recent years character education actives in prison, Agency of Correct. The findings of this study highlight those actives content Action motion. These important strategies can offer correction institutes to develop new strategies in future.
起訖頁 5-45
關鍵詞 moralcharacter educationSWOTPEST
刊名 矯政  
期數 201507 (4:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-下一篇 早期家庭受暴經歷與社會連結對青少年問題行為之影響




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