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Prison Inmate Appeal Affairs Research
作者 曾富良蘇該得
關心監獄現行申訴制度(Appeal system)是否合理妥適,當受刑人受到處分時救濟程序與處理方式是否通暢可行合理公允,現存問題及其需要改善之處為何,均有待進一步了解。依監獄行刑法及相關申訴規範、大法官會議解釋、相關監禁理論與研究文獻、矯正實務經驗實地觀察及問卷調查等資料作探討後提出適切可行建議,促使受刑人之申訴管道確實暢通,使申訴案件能獲得妥善處理,除重視申訴管道的程序正義(Procedural justice)之外,期盼落實處理案件內涵的實質正義(Substantive justice),以彰公義。申訴事件倘能及時獲得合法合理解決,避免衍生重大戒護事故或其他訴訟等困擾事件,對於受刑人身心健康及整體囚情之平靜安穩均有助益,亦可彰顯監獄『慎刑恤獄』(cautious penalty and compassionateprison)之人文管理格調,維護受刑人人權及符合社會期待與國際人權觀感。 To concern about the current prison appeal system is reasonable or not, whether the relief program and treatments are fair when inmates are punished. The existing problems and areas for improvement are the subject to further understanding. By prison norms of law and related complaints specification, Grand Justice, related imprisonment theory with research literature, correction practical experiences, questionnaires and other information asdiscussed and mentioned the appropriate practical recommendations; it can urge the complaints pipeline of inmates really smooth, so that these appeal cases can be dealt with the proper way. In addition to emphasis on procedural justice beyond grievance channels, looking forward to the implementation of the connotation of handling cases of substantive justice to real justice. If appeal events can be resolved in a reasonable and timely way and avoiding major guard accidents or other litigation problems, the physical and mental health of inmates and overall prison condition would be helpful. Also, it can highlight the” cautious penalty and compassionate prison” of humanistic management style and maintain human rights of inmates and comply with international human perception and social expectations.
起訖頁 115-141
關鍵詞 申訴制度程序正義實質正義慎刑恤獄Appeal system Procedural justice Substantive justice Cautious penalty and compassionate prison
刊名 矯政  
期數 201407 (3:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 2013矯正業務考察團——「日本取鏡之旅」
該期刊-下一篇 家庭支持教育團體成效報告研究




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