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A Study of Prison-based Art Programs' to Offender Treatment
作者 吳憲璋鄒啟勳周冠宇
本研究之主要目的試圖對參與藝文教化活動之受刑人進行調查,探究矯正機關藝文教化活動的實施,對受刑人矯正處遇成效的影響。本研究方法採用量化統計之問卷調查方式,以2013年7月31日法務部矯正署所屬各監獄、附設監獄或分監參與藝文教化活動之受刑人為母群體,依各機關辦理班次及比例,選定抽取之施測人數,經實際執行施測後,刪除無效樣本67名,統計有效樣本為1,499人。統計方法使用SPSS統計軟體,並採用次數分配、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計考驗比較。研究結果顯示:受刑人入監後參與藝文活動課程,與入監前自發參與藝文活動類型相似;七成以上之受刑人以每天參加1次課程之頻率最高,基於自己意願參與者達72.4%,主要參與動機是讓自己生活更加充實,其中66.7%有辦理成果發表;有參與藝文教化活動之受刑人在各項與家人之正向互動頗為一致且有顯著影響;參加公演之受刑人與藝文教化課程喜好程度、提升自我效能、激發自我潛能等三變數呈正相關。透過以上研究,可以看到藝文教化活動對受刑人為與思想的改變,而且有正面的倍作用。最後,亦提出積極推動藝術心理治療、爭取社會資源,協助藝術創作活動領域、擴大舉辦藝文創作品之定期展覽、推動藝文指標研究,深化內涵等建議,供實務單位作為推動相關措施之努力方向。 The purpose of this research is to figure out how art programs could have any positive effect to inmates' treatment. This article uses quantitative questionnaire to analysis national data included the people who have attended art programs in correctional institutions in Taiwan on July 31st, 2013. After identifying offenders that participated in art programs, and eliminating a few cases (67) with invalid data, the sample of analysis is 1,499 cases nationalwide. We use version of SPSS 18 to evaluate the effectiveness of this program by Frequency distribution tables, Chi-sqare, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient, etc. Of that number, 70% attend art course once a day, 72.4% voluntarily chose to participate in the program and 66.7% have done the performances or exhibitions. The main motion to take part in the program is to fulfill the prison life. In addition, the group who has joined this program has a significant effect to positively interact with families. And three variables, including the fond of art programs, personal efficiency enhancement, potential development, have showed the positive relations in this study. Study results suggest prison-based programs encourage offenders to reshape their behaviors and minds, and positively produce a duplicate function. In addition to this, the data show that we must introduce more social resources, assist offender to develop their talent and explore the possibilities of multi-focused art programs by regular large-scale exhibition and standardization of art activities to improve offender treatment through this rehabilitation model.
起訖頁 46-84
關鍵詞 藝文教化活動受刑人處遇Art programsoffendertreatment effectiveness
刊名 矯政  
期數 201407 (3:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 收容人納入健保後醫療滿意度之研究——以矯正署雲林第二監獄為例
該期刊-下一篇 2013矯正業務考察團——「日本取鏡之旅」




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