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A Cross-Country Comparison of Female Crime Trends.
作者 陳玉書鍾志宏翁萃芳
本文主要目的在分析日本、美國、香港和英國女性犯罪之趨勢,同時蒐集我國2000~2009年女性犯罪人的各種裁判、執行與矯正紀錄,以觀察我國女性犯罪趨勢與特性,並與各國女性犯罪趨勢進行比較。研究結果顯示,各國之女性受刑人的比率在4.8%至32.8%之間。竊盜、毒品、詐欺和傷害等為日本、美國和我國主要的女性犯罪類型,香港則以違反本地法居首(如:非法停留或移民);女性毒品施用毒品種類以海洛因、安非他命、大麻、K他命及古柯鹼為主,但施用毒品之主要類型呈現出區域性差異。就官方資料分析結果觀之,未來我國矯正機關女性受刑人累再犯有增加趨勢,刑期與執行期間更久,而在監女性受刑人人口老化的現象也將更為明顯。女性受刑人出監後的所面臨的挑戰主要為就業與經濟問題,其更生需求則以就業輔導、經濟支持和人際重建與輔導為主;最後根據研究結果提出有關女性受刑人處遇與復歸社會之相關建議。 The purposes of the current study are to compare female crime trends among Japan, USA, Hong Kong, UK and Taiwan and to analyze 2000-2009 official data based on various legal judgments, implementations and correction records in Taiwan. Results have shown that the incarceration rates of female inmates are from 4.8% to 32.7% among these countries. Larceny, drug abuse, fraud, and assault are four major types of female offense in Japan, USA, UK and Taiwan, except Hong Kong where about 58% of female crimes are against the lawful authority including illegal residence and immigration. Heroin, marijuana, Ketamine and cocaine are crucial problems, but there exist regional differences among four countries in main types of female drug abuse. According to the analysis of crime trends in Taiwan, the increase of recidivism rates, extension of incarceration length and problem of aging are critical issues in female correctional institutions in the future. Female inmates also face different challenges after release from prison, especially related to occupational or economic distress. Employment counseling, financial support and improving interpersonal relationship are three major rehabilitative needs for female inmates. Suggestions for female inmate's correction and rehabilitation are discussed based on the research findings.
起訖頁 44-70
關鍵詞 跨國比較女性犯罪女性受刑人犯罪趨勢Cross-national ComparisonFemale CrimeFemale InmateCrime Trend
刊名 矯政  
期數 201401 (3:1期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 毒品成癮者及其家人在家庭功能與家庭需求之比較
該期刊-下一篇 安非他命造成的身心影響、治療策略與案例分享




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