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Systemic Experiential Teaching Model: The Process and Results of Teaching School Counselors
作者 趙文滔
研究者統整過去10年來任教三門課程(家族治療、系統合作諮商實務專題研究及團體諮商理論與實務專題研究)的教學經驗,建構「系統體驗教學模式」,並以某大學心理與諮商學系碩士班開設之「系統合作諮商實務專題研究」課程為個案研究對象,探討實踐「系統體驗教學模式」的教學成效。本研究首先說明該教學模式的四個面向及其教學實踐歷程,其次兼採量化與質性方法,評量修課學生的學習成效。研究結果顯示,多數學生肯定並獲益於「系統體驗教學模式」之體驗性課程設計、深度/廣度兼具的師生互動及教師示範,以及精心設計的演練回饋機制,且提高未來繼續學習相關主題的動機。最後,對於本模式之創新性、師生關係、教師發展等面向,提出反思與建議。 The author of this study accumulated his teaching experience in three courses over the past decade (i.e., Family Therapy, Seminar in Systemic Collaboration in Counseling, and Seminar in Group Counseling Theory and Practice) to develop the Systemic Experiential Teaching Model. The said model was used in the Seminar in Systemic Collaboration in Counseling course offered by the Department of Psychology and Counseling Master’s Program of a university, after which the effectiveness of the model was explored. This study first explained the four dimensions of the model and the process of implementing such model. Subsequently, the study adopted qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the students’ learning outcomes. The study results showed that most of the students thought favorably of and benefited from the experiential curriculum design of the model, the depth/breadth of teacher-student interaction and teacher demonstrations, and well-designed learning drill feedback mechanisms. These benefits also elevated the students’ motivation to continue learning related topics in the future. Lastly, this study reflected on and offered recommendations pertaining to the various dimensions of the model, namely, innovation, teacher-student relationships, and teacher development.
起訖頁 79-113
關鍵詞 心理諮商系統合作系統體驗教學模式學校輔導school psychologysystemic collaborationsystemic experiential teaching modelcounselin
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201809 (1:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 初階臨床體驗課程對醫學生專業素養及基礎醫學學習成效之影響
該期刊-下一篇 敘事文本結合問題探究導向教學在幼兒行為輔導課程之實踐成效




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